Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
I'm excited. I'm SO excited. And I don't even know why! I'm really looking forward to 2015. I have no idea what's ahead for my little family here. I have no idea what God has for us, for me. But I'm excited!
As I usually do this time of year, I've spent a lot of time the past few days thinking. Reflecting. Dreaming. What a year 2014 was! There were so many good, fun times. There were some difficult times, too. There were some surprises. There were some things that I just want to forget. Here's how I'll remember 2014 (in no particular order):
1. Well, I said no particular order. But 2014 will ALWAYS be the year that Ellie broke her arm! Even now I still can not believe that even happened.
2. After more than 10 years of working for the same company, Seth received a promotion and became the "man in charge" of his department. We were so excited, and it was such an honor for Seth. But then there were some things that just didn't happen like they were supposed to. His job was going to be an office job, and travel was going to be less. That did not happen. And then there were some issues with compensation. There was nothing we could do about that. He inherited a mess. There were problems with staff, problems with the budget, problems with procedures. Seth jumped head first into the middle of it all. It's been stressful. It's been discouraging at times. It's been frustrating at times. He has worked SO. HARD. He has given this his all, and I've seen him grow so much this year as a man and as a manager. All I've wished for all along is that the senior management team would notice his effort and hard work, would realize how much of himself he's given to this job, would understand what he's done and how he single-handedly turned the department around. I wanted that so badly for him because he deserved it. But that usually doesn't happen in big companies. So imagine our complete and utter shock when yesterday he was recognized as being in the TOP 10% of performers in his company this year! He even received an email from one of the Senior VPs acknowledging all of the above, and he was rewarded so generously. I'm just so so proud of him and so so thankful.
3. Mason won 3rd place at the district science fair in January. That was such a huge accomplishment for him and something that he did all by himself. I just can't even express how proud I was of him and how that really boosted his confidence.
4. Last year's Christmas gift, Seth took me to a cooking class at our favorite restaurant. It was such a delightful evening and some of the best food I've ever tasted. This I definitely want to do again!
5. I had eye surgery. And that's all I have to say about that.
6. Mason graduated 3rd grade. It's not really so much that he graduated 3rd grade. It's just that 3rd grade was such a phenomenal year for him. He learned to like school. And not only did he have an amazing teacher, but I now consider her a dear friend. I think 3rd grade will always be our favorite!
7. Hannah Kate graduated kindergarten. This girl just excels in school, and she loves it so much. I am super excited to see where God is going to take her in this life.
8. We took a big ole 2-week trip to Georgia to begin our summer. That's one of the best trips we've ever taken, and I loved every second of it! My kids got to experience summer like I did when I was growing up. And I got to re-live a little bit of it, too. It's hard to say what my favorite was from that trip, but I did love going skiing on the lake.
9. One of my favorite landmarks in Georgia is Stone Mountain. I hadn't been since 1999.
10. I love downtown Atlanta. I do. And I loved going to the aquarium and eating at The Varsity. That's the only place I'll eat a hotdog. Period.
11. We took Mason to his first-ever Braves game.
12. We also took Mason to his first-ever LSU game at Tiger Stadium.
13. MASON GRADUATED FROM PRIVATE THERAPY. (Insert shouting and happy dance.)
14. This year's Christmas musical at church will forever hold a special place in my heart.
As I usually do this time of year, I've spent a lot of time the past few days thinking. Reflecting. Dreaming. What a year 2014 was! There were so many good, fun times. There were some difficult times, too. There were some surprises. There were some things that I just want to forget. Here's how I'll remember 2014 (in no particular order):
1. Well, I said no particular order. But 2014 will ALWAYS be the year that Ellie broke her arm! Even now I still can not believe that even happened.
2. After more than 10 years of working for the same company, Seth received a promotion and became the "man in charge" of his department. We were so excited, and it was such an honor for Seth. But then there were some things that just didn't happen like they were supposed to. His job was going to be an office job, and travel was going to be less. That did not happen. And then there were some issues with compensation. There was nothing we could do about that. He inherited a mess. There were problems with staff, problems with the budget, problems with procedures. Seth jumped head first into the middle of it all. It's been stressful. It's been discouraging at times. It's been frustrating at times. He has worked SO. HARD. He has given this his all, and I've seen him grow so much this year as a man and as a manager. All I've wished for all along is that the senior management team would notice his effort and hard work, would realize how much of himself he's given to this job, would understand what he's done and how he single-handedly turned the department around. I wanted that so badly for him because he deserved it. But that usually doesn't happen in big companies. So imagine our complete and utter shock when yesterday he was recognized as being in the TOP 10% of performers in his company this year! He even received an email from one of the Senior VPs acknowledging all of the above, and he was rewarded so generously. I'm just so so proud of him and so so thankful.
3. Mason won 3rd place at the district science fair in January. That was such a huge accomplishment for him and something that he did all by himself. I just can't even express how proud I was of him and how that really boosted his confidence.
4. Last year's Christmas gift, Seth took me to a cooking class at our favorite restaurant. It was such a delightful evening and some of the best food I've ever tasted. This I definitely want to do again!
5. I had eye surgery. And that's all I have to say about that.
6. Mason graduated 3rd grade. It's not really so much that he graduated 3rd grade. It's just that 3rd grade was such a phenomenal year for him. He learned to like school. And not only did he have an amazing teacher, but I now consider her a dear friend. I think 3rd grade will always be our favorite!
7. Hannah Kate graduated kindergarten. This girl just excels in school, and she loves it so much. I am super excited to see where God is going to take her in this life.
8. We took a big ole 2-week trip to Georgia to begin our summer. That's one of the best trips we've ever taken, and I loved every second of it! My kids got to experience summer like I did when I was growing up. And I got to re-live a little bit of it, too. It's hard to say what my favorite was from that trip, but I did love going skiing on the lake.
9. One of my favorite landmarks in Georgia is Stone Mountain. I hadn't been since 1999.
10. I love downtown Atlanta. I do. And I loved going to the aquarium and eating at The Varsity. That's the only place I'll eat a hotdog. Period.
11. We took Mason to his first-ever Braves game.
12. We also took Mason to his first-ever LSU game at Tiger Stadium.
13. MASON GRADUATED FROM PRIVATE THERAPY. (Insert shouting and happy dance.)
14. This year's Christmas musical at church will forever hold a special place in my heart.
WOW! It really has been an incredible 2014! God is SO GOOD!
To God our Savior,
who alone is wise,
be glory and majesty,
dominion and power,
both now and forever.
~Jude 25