Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
My Friday began at 3:00am. Hannah Kate is having an asthma flare up, and we had to do a breathing treatment. She didn't go to school today because we needed to continue breathing treatments throughout the day. It wasn't how I wanted to begin my day, but that's okay. I had the perfect ending to a not-so-perfect week.
Seth planned a date night and had reservations at our favorite restaurant for my birthday. Afterwards we went to a movie. It was the most perfect night with yummy food and delightful conversation and just being together.
And this was the most perfect ending to our meal: creme brûlée and chocolate sin cake.
Between my eye surgery and Ellie's broken arm, the past ten days have been quite a doozie. It all still seems rather surreal, even when I see the tube that is currently in my eye and the cast on Ellie's arm. Through it all, Seth has been constantly at my side, my rock, my caregiver, my friend, my love. I haven't even had to ask him what to do. He's just done it. He's done carpool and therapy and homework and supper and packing lunch boxes and putting hair in a ponytail and laundry and dishes and sweeping and cleaning bathrooms. This man. Well, I just love him so much!
And I am so proud of him! In January he was promoted to be the supervisor of the corrosion department for his company. His boss walked into a meeting one Monday morning and resigned. He then said that he wanted Seth to be promoted into the position. Upper management was in agreement with the decision, and the job was literally handed to Seth. We had no idea and never even saw it coming! It was totally a God thing. He will have been employed ten years this August. He has worked so hard and given so much of himself and his time to his job. And finally his commitment and work ethic and dedication has been rewarded. So he officially assumed his new position in February.
The Lord has sent so many blessings our way through this promotion, one of which is that Seth now has more of an office job. I think there will be days when he misses being out in the field, but this means that he will be home more often and travel less. Most of his travel now will be to the corporate office in Plano, TX or the home office in Jackson, MS. He is the supervisor over the corrosion department in Wyoming, but he no longer has to travel there so frequently. It's because of his new job that he was home the past two weeks. When he is here, he gets home before the children and I on therapy and dance days. That means he has put supper in the oven or done whatever I didn't finish to be sure supper is on the table when we get home. He does bath time while I do homework. The children really enjoy having him home during the week now. And so do I!
God is so good! He has blessed us abundantly, immeasurably above all we could ever ask or imagine! As difficult as this week was, I can very clearly see His hand and His provision and His protection over us and over Ellie. He surrounded us with prayer warriors, friends and family, to help carry us through this thing. He gave us the sweetest, gentlest nurses and doctors. He made a way for everyone to get where they needed to be and when they needed to be there. He gave me strength when I had none, peace in the midst of turmoil, faith in place of fear, joy in the midst of suffering and His constant, ever abiding presence. You know, I just have no idea how people live without the Lord, how people make it through the day without Him!
Seth planned a date night and had reservations at our favorite restaurant for my birthday. Afterwards we went to a movie. It was the most perfect night with yummy food and delightful conversation and just being together.
And this was the most perfect ending to our meal: creme brûlée and chocolate sin cake.
Between my eye surgery and Ellie's broken arm, the past ten days have been quite a doozie. It all still seems rather surreal, even when I see the tube that is currently in my eye and the cast on Ellie's arm. Through it all, Seth has been constantly at my side, my rock, my caregiver, my friend, my love. I haven't even had to ask him what to do. He's just done it. He's done carpool and therapy and homework and supper and packing lunch boxes and putting hair in a ponytail and laundry and dishes and sweeping and cleaning bathrooms. This man. Well, I just love him so much!
And I am so proud of him! In January he was promoted to be the supervisor of the corrosion department for his company. His boss walked into a meeting one Monday morning and resigned. He then said that he wanted Seth to be promoted into the position. Upper management was in agreement with the decision, and the job was literally handed to Seth. We had no idea and never even saw it coming! It was totally a God thing. He will have been employed ten years this August. He has worked so hard and given so much of himself and his time to his job. And finally his commitment and work ethic and dedication has been rewarded. So he officially assumed his new position in February.
The Lord has sent so many blessings our way through this promotion, one of which is that Seth now has more of an office job. I think there will be days when he misses being out in the field, but this means that he will be home more often and travel less. Most of his travel now will be to the corporate office in Plano, TX or the home office in Jackson, MS. He is the supervisor over the corrosion department in Wyoming, but he no longer has to travel there so frequently. It's because of his new job that he was home the past two weeks. When he is here, he gets home before the children and I on therapy and dance days. That means he has put supper in the oven or done whatever I didn't finish to be sure supper is on the table when we get home. He does bath time while I do homework. The children really enjoy having him home during the week now. And so do I!
God is so good! He has blessed us abundantly, immeasurably above all we could ever ask or imagine! As difficult as this week was, I can very clearly see His hand and His provision and His protection over us and over Ellie. He surrounded us with prayer warriors, friends and family, to help carry us through this thing. He gave us the sweetest, gentlest nurses and doctors. He made a way for everyone to get where they needed to be and when they needed to be there. He gave me strength when I had none, peace in the midst of turmoil, faith in place of fear, joy in the midst of suffering and His constant, ever abiding presence. You know, I just have no idea how people live without the Lord, how people make it through the day without Him!
I will praise You, O LORD,
with my whole heart;
I will tell of all Your marvelous works.
I will be glad and rejoice in You;
I will sing praise to Your name,
O Most High.
~Psalm 9:1-2