Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
Yesterday was Graduation Day . . . no more private therapy, no more afternoon trips to Baton Rouge, no more fighting traffic and wondering if we're going to make it to our appointment on time, no more sitting in a waiting room for an hour trying to entertain and contain a 2-year old, no more late nights of homework, no more missed naps to line up in the carpool line, no more no more no more NO MORE! This has been such a good, good thing for Mason, and private therapy essentially saved his elementary education career. But NO MORE!
We made it there in time to spend a few minutes on the playground before Mason's first session. I told the kids to give me their most excited faces so we could take an "usie."But I really stink at taking "usies."
And I'm not sure since when excited translated into sticking your tongue out of your mouth. But whatever.
As Mason was in his last two therapy sessions, I sat in the waiting room . . . the same waiting room that has become almost like my second home during the past year and a half . . . the same waiting room that I can tell you every single thing about, every single chair, every single paint chip on the wall, every single light bulb, every single magazine . . . the same waiting room where Ellie broke her arm earlier this year. I can still smell it. I can still hear the buzzer on the door every time it opens. I can still see the parents' and kids' faces and hear their voices who have appointments on the same days that we do. I know exactly when the therapists are going to come out with one child and take another one back.
I did figure out that we spend a minimum of 8 hours each week on therapy. That includes car pool lines, travel time, therapy time. And that's on a "good" week. But I didn't figure out how many hours I've sat in that waiting room. When we first started going to therapy, Ellie was still a baby. She was in her infant carrier so I would snap her seat down in the stroller. When she would get fussy, I'd push that stroller around and around and around in circles in that lobby. When she outgrew her infant carrier, I still kept her in the stroller. I'd push her around and around and around in circles in that lobby. And then the day came when I just couldn't keep her in that stroller anymore. She was everywhere and into everything. And I always tried to make sure I brought something for Hannah Kate to do while we waited. That's a long wait for a child.
And so as I sat there on our very last day, I thought about all of the sights and sounds and smells and people and waiting I'd done in that very room. I thought about all the growing we've all done there . . . not just Mason but me and Hannah Kate and Ellie, too. I thought about how very scared I was the very first day we walked in there. That day is still just as real to me as today is. I thought about how I can't even remember a time that we didn't have to go there. That place has become such an intricate part of our lives, of my life especially.
And just like our lives did a year and a half ago, they are about to change again. We get 8 hours back! I can not even imagine! Yes, I was excited yesterday. Super excited. But I'm also certain that I still don't believe it yet. Honestly, I was rather frustrated with myself, almost disappointed, because I didn't feel as excited as I wanted to. But I started feeling it last night when I was trying to fall asleep and couldn't! I hardly slept a wink at all.
We celebrated as much as we could yesterday. After all, it was still a school night, and everyone still had homework. When Mason finished, we had balloons for him. Seth also met us there as well. I didn't tell Mason he was coming so all of the children were surprised to see Daddy.
And then we went out to eat supper at Mason's favorite restaurant, which is really just a locally owned fast food chicken fingers joint. MawMaw and PawPaw met us there, which was another surprise for Mason.
And, of course, no celebration is complete without Mason's favorite cookie cake. So we had that for dessert.
And then today Mason received these in the mail from Pop and Mimi. We got such a kick out of the M&Ms with his picture on them!
It still doesn't seem real. I feel like I need to pinch myself. I don't know. Maybe it still won't feel real until next Monday when we have NO WHERE TO GO!
All I know is this. This whole story right here is a testimony of God's faithfulness. Nothing more and nothing less. And that's really what I feel . . . just a whole lot of gratefulness that I can't even put into words because of what God has done for us in this and through this. He carried me THROUGH. We are THROUGH. We went THROUGH.
When you pass THROUGH the waters, I will be with you;
And THROUGH the rivers, they shall not overflow you.
When you walk THROUGH the fire, you shall not be burned,
nor shall the flame scorch you.
For I am the LORD your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;
I gave Egypt for your ransom,
Ethiopia and Seba in your place.
Since you were precious in My sight,
you have been honored, and I have loved you.
~Isaiah 44:2-4