Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
On July 13 we celebrated Mason's 12th birthday!
What we aren't going to talk about is how he'll be 13 years old this time next year. A teenager. We are NOT going to talk about that!
So we started a little tradition a few years ago with the kids in which they get to plan their own birthday day. Mason began planning his 12th birthday about this time last year. He wanted to go to an Astros baseball game. So he really thought that's what was going to happen. I explained to him that we just didn't have time to make that happen this year (since July is the busiest month EVER over here) so he finally stopped asking about a week or so before his birthday and instead requested a trip to the water park. Well, I really didn't think that was going to happen either. Until I remember the little park we used to go to several years back.
The last time we went, I was pregnant with Ellie. I don't know why we haven't been back since. I suppose because it's geared more towards younger kids. And, you know, Mason has moved on up to the "big" slides now. But I also remembered this park has a brand new wave simulator - the only one in the state - so I decided that's what we'd do. I really thought Mason would be into the whole riding a wave thing.
He took "lessons."And then it was time for him to ride that wave. The best thing was we got there right when the park opened, and he was the only one at the wave simulator. So he could ride as much and as long as he wanted to.
But, then, wipe out!
And he was ready to go jump on the "big" slides. There are, like, four at this particular park so he basically did that over and over and over for the next couple of hours. He and Hannah Kate both. Ellie had fun playing in the "kiddie" section and swimming the not-so-lazy river.
All three kids really enjoyed it, and I think it was a hit for the birthday boy. It actually left me wondering why we haven't been back during the last few years!
When the kids were ready to go, Mason got to pick where we ate lunch. Raising Cane's. No surprise there! We came home and waited for Daddy to get home before heading out to Mason's favorite restaurant for his birthday supper. When we got back home, it was time to open presents.
And, because we're all about making dreams come true over here and fulfilling the bucket list of a 12-year old . . .
Mason is going to an Astros game! I mean, can you just see the excitement written all. over. his. face?! Seriously though. For a kid who's constantly jabbering and bouncing off the walls crazy most days all day, I was expecting a little more. But this is what I got.
Oh yeah. Cool, Mom. Because I'm 12-years old now. That's cool.
And, of course, a cake with 12 candles . . .
. . . and hopefully lots more wishes to come true!
I said for the longest of years that if I could go back in time, I'd go back to my college days. Those were the best! But, now, I'd choose to go back to the days when it was just this guy and me spending the hours together. Just the two of us. I miss that. I miss little feet running around my house and under me.
But as much as I miss that, I love watching this guy grow up. He's still a kid. A big kid! But I can also see glimpses of a young man now. Sometimes I just sit and stare at him. I can still hardly believe that I'm his Momma. He and I have been at this thing for 12 YEARS now! I've fought so hard for him, but I can see now how he fights for me, too. He is fiercely loyal and so compassionate. He is easy-going but feels deeply. His energy knows no bounds. And, at 12 years old, he is almost as tall as I am. But, I always remind him that I'll ALWAYS be his Momma!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." ~Jeremiah 29:11-13