Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
There are 12 months in a year, 365 days. And, yet, two of my children have birthdays only three days apart within the same month. So as soon as we finished celebrating the 12-year old, it was time to celebrate this 5-year old the very next day!
Ellie's birthday was on a Sunday this year, the day before a week of VBS. So she got to plan her special day a couple of days early. As I've mentioned before, the birthday kid gets to plan his/her birthday day. Ellie asked to spend the night with her little BFF Cali Grace. So since we aren't in the habit of inviting ourselves over to other people's houses to spend the night, we invited Cali Grace and her sister over to spend the day with us. I didn't even tell Ellie about this little treat so imagine her surprise when it was Cali Grace who walked into her room and woke her up that morning! Ellie is often times difficult to get up and wake up. But not this day! She was so excited to see Cali Grace that she jumped up, and they got to playing and didn't stop the whole day. They played babies and American girls and Barbie, they danced and dressed up, they colored and pasted.We had a fancy little dinner party for lunch.
A few days before, my mom posted this cute little idea on my Facebook page, and I couldn't resist!
Ellie had also requested a Frozen birthday. I'm pretty sure my days of Pinterest parties are done. Walmart does just fine! And Ellie loved the "decorations!"
I'm telling you, these two are like two peas in a pod! They are hilarious! You should hear the stories that Ellie tells about Cali Grace every Sunday after Sunday school. She talks about Cali Grace all. the. time.
You can't have a birthday without cake and candles so it was mini cupcakes for the win this time.
After lunch the girls helped me make sugar cookie dough. The original plan was to go ahead and bake the cookies, but I was trying a new recipe and didn't read it all the way through. It ended up being a refrigerator dough so we had to roll it up and put it in the frig for awhile. Needless to say, they still enjoyed mixing and stirring.
After Daddy got home, we went to Ellie's restaurant of choice for supper. And, of course, she chose Mexican. This girl LOVES her some tacos!
The next evening the birthday celebration continued. When I asked Ellie what kind of cake she wanted, she said Frozen. So we had cake and more candles, and she opened her gifts.
Ellie's birthday is July 16, but I really think July 4 would've been a most appropriate day for her birth! She sparkles and shines and adds so much light to our lives. But she's a firecracker, too, and she keeps me on my toes every. day. She cracks me up, too, because you just never know what she's going to say. She's very determined and head-strong, but she still wants to curl up in my lap and loves to be held. She and I will embark on a new adventure together shortly as I'll be homeschooling her for kindergarten! My baby is in kindergarten!
The very first night of her life here on earth, I held her and did not put her down. The nurse came in to check on us during the wee hours of the next morning. She stopped as soon as she walked in the door and saw me holding that sleeping baby girl and said, "Are you STILL holding that baby?" Why, yes, I am. Because I know from experience just how quickly time will pass, and she soon won't be a baby anymore.