Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
I've been working on another project this week. After breakfast I told Ellie that I needed her to play a few minutes by herself so I could finish something. It got really quiet. Too quiet. So I went to find her. Obviously she's ready go to back to Disney World!
Ellie loves to play outside. So we spent a couple of hours outside this morning. One of our most favorite things to do is take a bike ride. We live on a dead end road out in the middle of nowhere. There are some major drainage problems on our road so the ditches are virtually ponds. There are several families of ducks (among other wildlife) that call these ditches home. Ellie always asks to go see the ducks. After our bike ride, we watered the flowers and played with sidewalk chalk.
Ellie is always asking me to take her picture. And this is how she wanted her picture taken this morning.This afternoon was Hannah Kate's dance recital dress rehearsal. Her favorite costume is her jazz costume.
This is her ballet costume. Hannah Kate has been dancing for four years now. And this year it really does look like ballet! I think her class has been quite challenging this year, particularly the tap dance, but she has done a great job and has learned a lot. We're looking forward to the recital this weekend.
And because the dance recital rehearsal schedule ran ahead, and Mason's ballgame ran behind, we ended the evening (and a very late evening it was) at the ball park. Mason has really enjoyed his team this year. He's doing so much better fielding and throwing the ball. Tonight he finally got his first hit! He's walked, been hit with the ball and struck out. We've been encouraging him and telling him over and over to swing the bat. And tonight he finally did.And that was just today!