Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
I thought it would be fun to link up with some friends today.
Well, usually I would love to share what we're eating this week. I cook everyday except Sundays. I love to cook meals for my family and really enjoy being in my kitchen. But I've not had a lot of time for that lately. This week is no exception. We had a really bad storm on Monday morning that left us without power. When Seth got home from work, he had to go back to town to get gas for the generator. He picked up a pizza on the way home. We have a gas stove so I can actually still cook even if we don't have power; however, it also emits a lot of heat into the kitchen, and I didn't want to do that since we weren't running the air conditioner. It was cool enough that we didn't need it, but I still didn't want to do anything to make the house any warmer than it needed to be. Power was finally restored yesterday. I cooked Hannah Kate's favorite meal, my homemade spaghetti and a salad. This morning I left the house around 7:30 and didn't get back home until 9:00. After Bible study, Ellie and I went to eat lunch with friends. And then I went to the book fair at school. I picked up Mason and Hannah Kate, and we went to dance. Mason had a baseball game, too. So I didn't cook again today. Ellie and I ate leftover pizza from Monday night. The big kids had Sonic. I'm not a fan of fast food so leftover pizza was fine with me. Usually I have my whole week of meals all planned out, but I have no idea what we're going to have tomorrow night!
Today was our last day of the study of Moses at Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). I had to say goodbye to all of my 4 and 5 year olds. I just can not believe another year of BSF has come to a close. Every year we "start over" again. We have a new group, new partners, a new class. This has been an incredible year in BSF. Next week is share day. I can't wait to hear the many testimonies about how God has transformed lives through the study of His Word. I also can't wait to share my own personal testimony of what God has done in my life through this particular study. But it doesn't seem possible that it's the "end." We've been walking with Moses for 30 weeks and what a journey it's been! The lunch with friends that I mentioned earlier was because one of my dear friends is moving. She was Hannah Kate's very first BSF leader. She was also Ellie's very first BSF leader when Ellie started in the children's program as an infant. Not only has she taught my girls, but I've also had the privilege and pleasure of serving with her in the children's program. She's the momma of triplet boys (yes, you read that correctly), two of whom are graduating college next week. She moved here 21 years ago from South Carolina because of her husband's job. So, yes, we have A LOT in common. And now her husband is being transferred back to South Carolina. I am so excited that she gets to go home. But I am sad for me because I am going to miss her so! I can't even tell you how many friends I've made over the last 15 years who end up moving away. It's never easy, and this one is no exception.
Ellie is officially completely potty trained! We gave it a go last fall. I thought it was going to be so easy with her, but it wasn't. She had no problem going potty in her big girl panties. As a matter of fact, I could tell what kind of day it was going to be because she had her panties separated into two categories: those she didn't like she would potty in and those she did like she would not potty in. In December I finally got fed up and made her throw all of her beloved panties into the garbage. We went back to pull-ups. She kept begging for panties so I bought her some new ones around Valentine's Day. That lasted about two days, and we were back in pull-ups again. I decided it was just too hard to potty train when we couldn't stay at home. We were too busy and on the road too much. So I thought I'd just wait until summertime. And then I looked at our calendar. We have a lot on the calendar already. It seemed useless to wait because it just isn't going to be much better. So I decided to go all in. Today is day 16 in a row, and she has been nearly perfect!
If you need me, I'm probably at the baseball field.
I'm going to be so honest. We've missed 4 games and even more practices because of the rain the past couple of weeks. And that doesn't make me sad one bit! This weekend Mason is playing in another tournament. The season will last into the first week of June. So we still have a lot to go. If I'm not at the baseball field, I'm at church or Bible study.
Honestly, there is so much I'm looking forward to that I can't think of a thing I'm dreading!
I'm hosting a baby shower on Saturday morning so that's the main thing I'm working on right now. I'm also working on VBS. I found some fabric that I absolutely loved for new window treatments for the breakfast area windows. My goal was to have that finished by the end of April. But tomorrow is the last day of the month, and the fabric is still sitting in the bag they put it in when I bought it. So that's something I hope to be working on very soon.
The last day of school is May 20! There are so many things I'm excited about! Today the Lord answered a huge prayer for a friend. We've been praying daily for two months, and the Lord granted our request today. It was so exciting to receive that text today. Next Friday I have a huge surprise for Hannah Kate and her little BFF. I'm taking them to see Disney's Frozen on Ice. But she has no. idea. So please don't tell her! And her dance recital is coming up in three weeks. Today she received her trophy for four years of dancing.
And did I mention the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL IS MAY 20? Because if I didn't, the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL IS MAY 20!
Well, I don't have time to watch television so there is no series, no nothing I'm currently watching (No, I did not see Derek die. I didn't even know who Derek was until last week. I've never seen not even one episode of Grey's.). I'm still on season three of Downton Abbey. There are a couple of shows I DVRed to watch, but that was last year, and they are still on there because I haven't watched even the first episode. The book is read the most is my Bible. I also read books to Ellie all the time. Tomorrow we will be reading Pinkalicious Tutu-rrific and Audrey's Tree House because those are the two new books she picked out at the book fair. I made a goal last year of reading one book a month. Considering I used to read one book a weekend, it was still a lofty goal because I really haven't done any considerable reading in nine years. I started out pretty good, but I didn't read any in the fall. I tried to pick it back up in January. Right now I'm supposed to be reading The Hundred Foot Journey. I saw the movie and enjoyed it so I wanted to read the book. Usually I read the book first. I have to say, and this is one of the only times I've ever said this, that so far I've enjoyed the movie more than the book. But I do hope that will change.
Lately I listened to a lot of patriotic music because I was selecting the music for our July 4 service at church. But mostly I listen to the BSF hymn CD because that's the only thing Ellie wants to listen to. And that's just fine with me! Besides, it's hard to listen to anything anyway because someone is always talking so I feel like I'm constantly surrounded by noise.
I'm definitely not trendy or fashionable. But I'm glad it's time for white jeans, sandals and wedges again!
Well, Mason's baseball tournament begins on Friday evening and lasts through the entire weekend. And I'm hosting a baby shower on Saturday morning. And church on Sunday morning. So it will be busy.
I don't think I mentioned it, but the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL is May 20!
And for the answer to this, you'll have to wait until next month. It's a big one. (No, I'm not preggers. And, no, we aren't moving.)
a swing for my back porch!