Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
It's November. I love November. It's one of my most favorite months. And these past four days have been, indeed, quite lovely.
The weather. Oh, the weather! It's been boots and leggings weather. Okay, so it's been close enough. But I think this upcoming weekend is going to be spectacular!
My newest nephew came home on Saturday after spending 8 days in the NICU. Jase Lee Connell arrived a bit earlier than planned, but his birth date was ordained by our Lord and was not a surprise to Him. All of the things the doctors had prepared Rob and Kristi for were just not to be because the Great Physician answered our prayers for healing. I can not wait to snuggle with him when we go to Georgia next month!
I got an extra hour of sleep on Saturday night. I really did! Usually I stay up an hour later and take advantage of the extra hour when our clocks fall back. But this year I went to sleep instead. And it felt so good. I sure wish we could do that every weekend!
So many asked me what I did with my "free time" yesterday. It was the first Monday in almost two years that Mason did not have a therapy appointment. I cleaned my house. Exciting, huh?! I swept and mopped my floors and dusted. I know it sounds ridiculous, but that's something I just can't do unless Ellie is napping. Our house is very lived in during the weekends, and I am so excited that I now have time to clean on Mondays! Of course, the floors already required mopping again tonight, but that's okay.
Mason and Hannah Kate didn't have school today. And it was such a wonderful break in the middle of the week! I love 4-day school weeks! And we get to do it all over again next week, too, because they don't have school on Tuesday in observance of Veteran's Day.
I voted today. I didn't have to stand in line either. I don't have a sticker to show for it though. I just don't understand why this parish does not do stickers! Or does the whole state of Louisiana not do stickers?! I always got a sticker when I voted in Georgia and Mississippi.
Speaking of the election, my cousin was re-elected today as the District 111 Representative to the Georgia State House. So proud of him!
Today is also my most favorite niece's birthday! She is 12 years old. I can hardly believe it! It was about this time 12 years ago that Seth and I were leaving the hospital after she'd been born. She's so grown up now that it makes my heart hurt sometimes.
Ah, November, I'm so glad you're here! I just know it's going to be a good one!This is the time of year when it seems like people are a little more thankful than before. While I do strive to walk in gratitude each and everyday of the year, regardless of months or seasons, I can't help but be so mindful of the many good things the Lord has given me.