Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
One of the most popular posts I wrote was Mason's Blink post when he started Kindergarten in August 2010. That was three years ago. But it seems like just yesterday . . .
Mason is now in 3rd grade. And Hannah Kate is in Kindergarten. Ellie is 13 months old.
Teach me to number my days
And count every moment before it slips away
Taking all the colors before they fade to gray
I don't want to miss even just a second more of this . . .
It happens in a blink;
It happens in a flash;
It happens in the time it takes to look back.
I try to hold on tight,
but there's no stopping time.
What is it I've done with my life?
It happens in a blink . . .
And count every moment before it slips away
Taking all the colors before they fade to gray
I don't want to miss even just a second more of this . . .
It happens in a blink;
It happens in a flash;
It happens in the time it takes to look back.
I try to hold on tight,
but there's no stopping time.
What is it I've done with my life?
It happens in a blink . . .
~BLINK by Revive~
After six and a half years of living in Louisiana, we're moving to Mississippi. BLINK. I'm pregnant again, quite possibly the biggest surprise of my life. BLINK. Hannah Kate is born. BLINK. Hannah Kate does not like to sleep, and it seems like I will never sleep again the rest of my life. BLINK. Hannah Kate is one. BLINK. We're moving back to Louisiana. BLINK. At 18 months old, Hannah Kate finally starts sleeping through the night so maybe those sleepless nights weren't so bad or so long after all. BLINK. We build our house. BLINK. Mason starts Kindergarten, but at least I still have three more years at home with Hannah Kate. BLINK. Hannah Kate starts ballet and tap classes, but she's only three years old. BLINK. Hannah Kate is four years old, and she's going to be a big sister. BLINK. Ellie is born. BLINK. Hannah Kate is five years old, but we still have awhile before she starts Kindergarten because she's a December baby. BLINK. Hannah Kate is so ready to go to school, but Mommy is not ready for her to go yet so Mommy doesn't think about it a whole lot. BLINK. My Hannah Kate, my best friend, my sidekick for five and a half years celebrated her first day of Kindergarten this past Monday. BLINK. Where did the last five and a half years run off to?
Hannah Kate was so excited when she went to bed on Sunday night that I didn't think she'd sleep very good. She could hardly wait for Monday morning so she could go to school. She wanted biscuits for breakfast. And then it was time to don her uniform and her new tennis shoes. She absolutely loves her backpack and lunchbox. She'd given me strict instructions on what she wanted in her lunchbox for the first day of school: a turkey, cheese and lettuce wrap, cheese chunks, a pickle, carrot and celery sticks with Ranch dip and chocolate pudding.
As is our tradition on the first day of school (so it wasn't Mason's first day, but it was Hannah Kate's first day), I took the kids to school. Mason wanted me to drop them off in the carpool line and said he would help Hannah Kate find her classroom. Nice try, buddy. This Momma parked, and we all went in together. I watched as my big girl walked down the Kindergarten hallway and into her classroom. She's so big. Yet she's so little!
So I hovered as she found her cubby and her hanger for her backpack and lunchbox.
Mrs. Williams had "morning work" ready at her desk so Hannah Kate quickly got to work coloring her M.
She didn't have much to say to me after that so I eventually left and made my way down the hall to Mason's classroom. I honestly don't even think Hannah Kate noticed I was gone. My girl is all grown up!
Everyone has asked me this week how Hannah Kate likes school. Well, Monday she complained because she didn't have enough homework. I asked her if she made any new friends, and she told me she did not. I asked her if she talked at all, and she said no. Now I truly believe that! I'll bet she didn't utter a peep all day long. She made up for it when she got home though!
Tuesday afternoon her class was on the playground when I arrived for the carpool line. I quickly spotted her neon pink soled tennis shoes and watched her play. She was going down the slide and hanging upside down on the monkey bars. I noticed there was another little girl with long brown hair by her side. I loved watching her play! She didn't see me until they lined up to go inside, and then she waved at me. I asked her about the girl with the long brown hair. Hannah Kate said she didn't know her name, but she made two new friends that day, one with long hair and one with short hair. Later on our way home after dance, she blurted out from the back seat, "I can't wait for tomorrow!" It's not true that there's no such thing as a stupid question. Because I asked one. "Why?" And her answer? "Because I get to go back to school. It is awesome!" And at this point she is singing her sentences in a high-pitched sing songy voice.
She was excited yesterday afternoon because she finally had to do some writing as part of her homework. She also told me the long haired friend's name is Chloe. So I guess that means she's finally talking at school now.
I can write this next part because she can't read it yet. Her teacher sent me a little note today that said Hannah Kate got upset at lunch time because she missed me. I didn't mention this in particular to her when I asked about her day. But she did tell me she missed me and Ellie. I have to admit it did my heart good to hear that. I miss her, too.
On Monday morning, one of my dear friends sent me a text to encourage me, as she knew it was Hannah Kate's first day of school. She said, "Love watching God grow our children." That reminder brought comfort to my Momma-heart. I used to feel a twinge of sadness on milestones such as this in my children's lives. But during the past year I have instead embraced their new adventures and all of the little things that mean so much to them. I would love to hold Hannah Kate as an infant again. I would love to go back to those days, even the seemingly never-ending sleepless nights. But more than that, I have learned to love where she is right now at almost six years old. She is having the time of her life, and that makes my heart sing. Her hunger for learning and her excitement about the possibilities for each new day is one of my favorite things in life right now. She is growing up to be such a sweet, spunky, intelligent, passionate little lady. There's nothing I love more than watching God's plan unfold for her life, watching His plan for Mason and Ellie, too.
Yes, it does go by quickly. I hope I will always be intentional and live in each moment with my children. And, before I know it, Hannah Kate will be graduating high school. But she isn't. Not yet, at least. BLINK.