Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
Oh, yes I did!
When a friend called last week and asked what I was doing, I'm fairly certain she didn't expect me to tell her I was putting my Christmas tree up! It isn't decorated yet, but it will be soon. Since we're going to Georgia for Thanksgiving this year and then celebrating Hannah Kate's birthday the following weekend when we get back, I decided to get a head start on putting my Christmas decorations out.
Hannah Kate decorated her pink tree today.
Mason's tree is up, but it isn't decorated yet.
I even baked tonight's supper in one of my Christmas bakers!
The wreaths will go up this weekend. And I'm attempting to fashion a pretty garland for the stair rail. But we'll see how that turns out. One of the things I'm most excited about though is the tree in the music room.
Hannah Kate decorated her pink tree today.
I even baked tonight's supper in one of my Christmas bakers!
Don't worry. I have a lot of work to do. But it just might be my favorite when it's done. It's inspired by something I saw last year when we went to San Antonio and took a day trip to the quaint German town of Fredericksburg.
Even though we were living in our house during Christmas time last year, we spent the holiday in Georgia. So this year it seems like it's really our first Christmas in our "new" house. And we are so excited!