Today is my
FAVORITE NEICE's birthday! Happy 9th birthday, Abbie!

We celebrated with Abbie last Sunday afternoon at the ice skating rink in Baton Rouge. I had no idea there was even such a place until Abbie's party.

I was so proud of Mason! He did such a great job! He took a lot of spills and had several bruises on his booty and a blister the size of a quarter on the inside of his foot, but he's already asking to go back again. When he fell, he popped right back up and kept on going. After an hour or so, he was actually skating around quite well and didn't have to hold on anymore.

And Hannah Kate put skates on about five minutes before we left.
Favorite Pin - My absolute favorite pin this week is a genious idea for all of those precious photo Christmas cards we receive. I save all of them year-after-year, but they are all stored away in a box or albums. You can believe I'll be doing this:

Punch a few holes in the cards and bind them together with some rings or perhaps ribbon. Then display them throughout the holiday season on your coffee table.
Favorite Activity - This week was full of really fun stuff, like Abbie's birthday party and the hayride. Today I went with Mason's class on a field trip to a pumpkin patch. It wasn't just a pumpkin patch though . . . petting farm, face painting, huge trampoline, zipline, big slide, nature trail and tons of other activities.

Favorite Meal - Smokey Blue Cheese Chicken Salad Pitas with homemade sweet potato chips. Super simple but really good. Even Seth liked it! He said, "This sure is some fancy food." Really? Pita sandwiches? Fancy?
Favorite Quote - God is AWESOME! This week we talked a lot about God's creation and how strong He is. Finally, at a loss for words and wanting to say something, this is how Mason described our God.
Favorite Verse - I have to admit . . . this is hard. There were SO MANY verses this week that the Lord spoke into my soul that brought encouragement and peace and even conviction. But this is where it all started: I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. ~Galatians 2:20