This week was Dolly Dingkle Week at Miss Machita's. It seems that every year about this time, Dolly Dingkle wants to dance. But she prefers to do things her way. This is really just Miss Machita's politically correct way of not celebrating Halloween but still encouraging the ballerinas to "dress up" but not in coustume. So here's my Dolly Dingkle:
And here's my Dolly Dingkle with the Dolly Dingklest of them all, Miss Machita:
Today was also the day that Miss Machita unveiled the theme, dances and costumes for the recital.
I've actually known about this for several weeks, but I kept the information to myself until Miss Machita made the official announcement. There are two recital times each year, and one class of ballerinas from each recital time is chosen to dance with their daddies. Have you figured out yet where this is going?
Yes. It is our year. Hannah Kate will dance her tap routine with her Daddy. On stage. Big lights. In a theater that seats 1,900. If you know my husband, you understand the sheer magnitude of this situation.
Last year Abbie's class was picked for the Daddy Dance so Barry was on stage. My husband proudly proclaimed that they will never get him on that stage. It would've been nice to have a year or two to break him in. But no. It's Hannah Kate's first year. And . . . it just might be her last if her Daddy has anything to do with it.
I finally broke the news to Seth last night. I knew I had to or else he would hear it from someone else. When I first told him, he shook his head no and walked away. Maybe it wasn't necessarily a good idea to bring this up on the same day he received a jury summons in the mail. So later I brought the subject up again to be sure he heard me (which I already knew he did). His response was short and sweet. No. That's what he said. No. This also comes as he's shaking his head violently back and forth. It could've just rolled right off!
So now there's nothing else for me to do . . . what can I do? . . . rent-a-dad, anyone?!? He'll be dancing with the most precious little strawberry blonde ever!
To be continued at a later date. Saturday, May 5. 1:00. Mark your calendars. This is sure to be epic!
Yes. It is our year. Hannah Kate will dance her tap routine with her Daddy. On stage. Big lights. In a theater that seats 1,900. If you know my husband, you understand the sheer magnitude of this situation.
Last year Abbie's class was picked for the Daddy Dance so Barry was on stage. My husband proudly proclaimed that they will never get him on that stage. It would've been nice to have a year or two to break him in. But no. It's Hannah Kate's first year. And . . . it just might be her last if her Daddy has anything to do with it.
I finally broke the news to Seth last night. I knew I had to or else he would hear it from someone else. When I first told him, he shook his head no and walked away. Maybe it wasn't necessarily a good idea to bring this up on the same day he received a jury summons in the mail. So later I brought the subject up again to be sure he heard me (which I already knew he did). His response was short and sweet. No. That's what he said. No. This also comes as he's shaking his head violently back and forth. It could've just rolled right off!
So now there's nothing else for me to do . . . what can I do? . . . rent-a-dad, anyone?!? He'll be dancing with the most precious little strawberry blonde ever!