Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
Usually I look back over the previous year and detail that year's number of memorable events in the life of our family. So for 2023, it would be 23. But 2023 was more than just memorable. It was EPIC. That's not a word I use a lot or lightly because it carries a lot of weight and expectation. It stretches the boundaries of memorable. That's what 2023 was. Our family experienced some very significant life events, the likes of which impacted us deeply. Besides our wedding day and perhaps moving states or building a house, the years of greatest change were the ones in which we welcomed Mason, Hannah Kate and Ellie. But you know what? Nothing prepares you for the day when one of those moves into adulthood and takes the first steps away from your home. There are some day, many days, that it still seems impossible that this has happened. There is a sense of emptiness that has gotten better, but I'm not sure it will ever completely go away. I don't have 23 for 2023. I have only twelve, but some of those are so big that I don't need 23!
1. It's so appropriate that this should be number one! The year was off to a super fun start as my team won the Natty. Again. As in two years in a row!
2. Hannah Kate has been dancing now for almost 13 years. She made it her goal a few years ago to earn her pointe shoes, and she worked really hard and did just that. Last year the studio started Ballet Company, a competition team for ballet only, and she was invited to be one of the dancers for their inaugural year. She was very hesitant to accept the honor. It required her to step out of her comfort zone a lot. And, if you know Hannah Kate, you know she much prefers the coziness of her comfort zone and doesn't venture outside it very much. But, ultimately, she did. It required extra lessons and auditions and culminated with her performing her solo at the Youth America Grand Prix competition in Dallas. She did very well, and it was a delight seeing her on that stage. As a matter of fact, she loved it so much that she auditioned for Ballet Company again this year, and she will be competing in both Dallas and Houston next month.
3. We made a quick trip to Georgia in March to celebrate my parents' 50th wedding anniversary. My brother and I hosted a dinner party for them and invited our family and some of their closest friends. It was the most fun planning it for them, but the best part was watching them walk into the room and enjoy an evening just for them.
I've heard it said that watching your children is like your heart walking around outside of you. If that's the case, watching your child walk away to his new home away from home is like your heart being ripped out of your chest. I spent days, weeks and months dreading that day. Part of me thought, "It's going to be bad. Really bad. But because I think it's going to be really bad, maybe it won't be quite that bad." As 2023 dawned in January, I felt like I was on a speeding train. As we sped closer and closer to graduation, I felt like I was going to fall off at any moment. By the time August came around, the train was absolutely out of control, and I was literally holding my breath waiting on it to crash. Well, it crashed, and it crashed hard. The drive back home that day was most definitely the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. I wasn't worried about Mason. I was totally convinced that he was ready and that he would be absolutely fine. I was excited for him. So excited! But this excitement coexisted with deep sadness. I was sad for us, for me, Seth, Hannah Kate and Ellie. The house seemed so empty without him. His chair was empty every night at the supper table. His room was empty. His seat in the truck was empty. We became a "table for 4."