Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
When I was writing my 2023 highlights post yesterday, I realized I never posted about one of my move favorite memories of 2023. On March 4, 2023, we celebrated my parents' 50th wedding anniversary!
They were married on Sunday afternoon, March 4, 1973 at Zebulon United Methodist Church in Zebulon, Georgia. Mama always says that's the only day of the year that's a command. March forth. My brother and I wanted to honor them and their marriage so we planned a surprise dinner party for them. Well, it was as much of a surprise as we could possibly make it. They knew "something" was going on, but they didn't exactly know what or where.
We had it at the Opry House in Hollonville. It's just down the road from their house. When I was growing up, it was an old abandoned barn until they fixed it up a bit and turned it into an event space for bluegrass, country and gospel music groups and weekend concerts. Now it's solely an event venue, and it was absolutely perfect for our little dinner party. I wanted it to be a beautiful and elegant event but on a budget. Once everything was done, it really exceeded my expectations.
Cindy did all the flowers for us. Mama used a lot of blush pink in her wedding flowers so that's what we did, too. Of course, it was all so beautiful and perfect!
Thanks to my sister-in-law we were able to display some of their wedding pictures, wedding book and my mama's wedding portrait.
When we were planning this, I asked my brother if he would say the blessing. He's not really one to get up and talk in front of people so I told him that we could ask their pastor, but I really wanted him to do it. I also told him that I was going to welcome everyone and say a little something before he prayed. So he wanted to know what I was going to say. We were several weeks out at that point, and I had no idea what I was going to say. I told him that I didn't plan on writing anything out, and I probably wouldn't know until I actually started talking. At that point, I think he started getting nervous. He told me he couldn't do that. I kept telling him he didn't have to. If you know my brother, you know that we are very different in that regard. I don't have any trouble talking. I'll talk to anybody. I'll talk to myself. I'll talk to a tree. But you know what the problem with that is? People don't listen. They're so used to you talking that they just tune you out! It's like, "Here she goes again."
So I ended up giving part of my "marriage talk." Marriage was created by God. It was His idea. And He has the very best plan for marriage. But marriage is not easy. It is hard. It requires selflessness, patience, humility and submission. I don't know about you, but none of those things are my natural bent. I am so grateful for the example of my parents' marriage. I'm sure they'd agree that it hasn't always been easy. If you were to ask them how they made it to March 4, 2023, I'm certain they would say that it's God's grace that held them together for over 50 years.
And then it was time for my brother to pray. But he didn't just pray. He laid down the Word like I've never heard him do before! He started in Genesis, and I'm pretty sure he had some of Revelation in there, too. And you know what happened? People started listening! Because Rob is the kind of person that when he starts talking, you listen. Jennifer said it best afterwards. "Well, I have no idea what you said. But when Rob started talking, I was like let me listen to this! I've never heard him talk that much before. I even had tears in my eyes."
It was funny . . . he had asked me if there was a lecture or music stand at the Opry House. There wasn't. So he went to his church and swiped the pastor's (without asking!) so he would have something to put his Bible and notes on.
One of the best things we did was have a photographer take pictures for us. We've never had family photos made with all of us together, and I am so glad we have these.