Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
Hannah Kate has been dancing for 12 years, but never has she danced competitively. Last fall she was given the opportunity by her ballet teacher and dance studio to participate in a new ballet company program at the studio, culminating with a solo dance at a national ballet competition. If you know Hannah Kate, you know this is way outside of her comfort zone. She has most definitely found "her thing" in her pointe shoes, but, like she always says, she prefers to be on the back row. That's her sweet spot and where she's most comfortable. When Miss Katherine presented this opportunity to us last fall, I had no idea what to expect. I've never been the parent that "made" my children do a particular extracurricular activity. If they "want" to do something, we'll figure it out. But, ultimately, they have to want to do it. In usual Hannah Kate fashion, she didn't immediately give an answer so I told her to pray about it for a few days, and then we would talk again. I did trust the Lord to give her the answer. I was just really hoping He would say, "Yes," and she would say, "Yes." And, if she didn't, I knew it would be really hard for me to accept her "no."
I was honestly so shocked when she told me she wanted to do it. I just wasn't expecting that at all. Hannah Kate is already at the dance studio four nights a week, but we added private lessons with Miss Katherine. Competition was scheduled for February. She also had to audition for two summer intensives. But she got a new costume out of it so that probably had something to do with her "yes."
The summer intensive auditions were in January at another dance studio. Both were on a Sunday afternoon so I took her both times after church. I honestly didn't think I was going to get her out of the truck when we arrived for the first audition. She had never done anything like that before, had no idea what to expect, was in a brand new to her studio and didn't know anyone (or so she thought). Just that morning, one of my friends on praise team had shared with me about her daughter's recent piano recital. She was so nervous and nearly refused to walk up to the piano, but she finally did when her mom walked with her. And then she did absolutely fine. So I shared this story with Hannah Kate, and she finally agreed it was time to go in. I went in with her, and we had no idea what we were doing, but we managed to figure it out. And then she saw a familiar face. One of her friends from our days at Sequitur was there. At that point, I went outside to wait the next two hours in the truck. Looking back, I was probably more nervous for her than she was. But she came out smiling and said it wasn't nearly as bad as she had imagined it might be. It was a very positive experience for her, and I think that afternoon was probably a defining moment for her. The next audition went just as well. This time two of her friends from our studio auditioned with her.
Hannah Kate received invitations to participate in the summer intensive programs at both the Patel Conservatory in Tampa and the Nashville Ballet. At that point, we reached her "no." But she still has a few years left so maybe.
Her next stop was the Youth America Grand Prix national competition in Dallas.
She even had a little cheering section. Troy and April were visiting Avery and Abigail that weekend, and they came to watch her take the stage for her solo. Her Aunt April said that she's never seen Hannah Kate look so happy or smile more than she did on that stage and when she came out to meet us afterwards.
It took my breath away watching her on stage that afternoon. It always does, and I've been watching her on stage for 12 years now. But this was different. She conquered fear that day. She finally realized that she can do hard things. But, most of all, she had fun. She gave it her all, and she had fun. They say to dance like no one is watching, and that's what she did. She walked off that stage feeling like a winner, and she smiled all the way home. I'm so proud and so grateful for the gift she is to us. When we got home, her brother asked her how much money she won. She just smiled and said, "I have no idea."
Here she is warming up before going on stage. She right under the logo in the back. Of course.
None of this would've been possible without Miss Katherine. I am so grateful for how she continues pouring into Hannah Kate (and now Ellie). She expects nothing less than excellence, and she pushes Hannah Kate to the front row. This experience definitely exceeded my expectations, and I think it did the same for Hannah Kate. Miss Katherine and Machita Dance Company made something possible that was so much more than learning a new dance and performing in a ballet competition. Hannah Kate has learned life lessons and how to approach challenges with poise and strength. She is not the loudest one in the room, and you probably wouldn't even notice her. But she's there, and she's fierce, and she's giving it her all. She is beautiful and graceful and elegant. She's also kinda hilarious. But that's another post for another day.