Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
Last week Mason and Hannah Kate went to M-FUGE (basically, youth missions camp).
I was so excited for them to have this opportunity and had hoped and prayed for it for a very long time. Raising teenagers is way out of my wheelhouse. I was talking about it with a couple of friends the other night whose children aren't too far behind mine in age. I told them that if their knees weren't dirty yet, they better get used to the dirt because they will soon be! I am so grateful for our Youth Pastor and all of the parent volunteers who poured into these kids last week.The theme for camp was Dwell. When our Youth Pastor addressed the congregation on Sunday, he talked about the "high" that usually comes at camp and then said that "high" shouldn't be reserved for camp just once a year. Those who are dwelling with the Lord daily should experience that "high" everyday. And then our Pastor said it best. All adults need to go to camp. Yes and amen.