Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
Our month of June began with VBS. It's no secret to everyone who knows me how much I love love LOVE VBS. It's one of the most fun weeks of the summer, a week I always look forward to. And it's hands-down the best opportunity to teach kids about Jesus. It's like a field of dreams - if you invite them, they will come!
I knew I missed it last year, but I didn't realize just how much I missed it until this year. And it was extra-special! I had the privilege of teaching one of the 2nd grade classes. Gosh, I LOVE teaching God's Word to kids! And my class was just THE BEST! The kids were so respectful, so attentive, so eager, so fun. This year Mason and Hannah Kate also had the privilege of serving in VBS. Mason volunteered in VBX (6th grade) and recreation. Hannah Kate volunteered in one of the 3rd grade classes. They both had a really great experience, and it was neat watching from afar as they served our Lord. And, of course, Ellie was in one of the 4th grade classes.
I was necessarily thrilled about the theme this year, as it was a lot of "brown" and dirt and digging, none of which are my things. But as I began to study the lessons and prepare for my class, I got really excited about the theme. For each day's study, we also focused on an artifact from that particular event in Scripture that has been uncovered or found. So there is real, live proof that God's Word is true. I mean, it's true because God says so. That's it. But we can prove it, too, and that's just so cool when you stop to reflect on the real places and cities and towns in Scripture, as well as the artifacts that have been unearthed from that time in history.
In a day and time when truth seems optional, irrelevant, conditional and relative, we need the absolute TRUTH from God's Word! Kids (and moms and dads and grandparents and aunts and uncles) need to hear and know the truth from God's Word. And that's what VBS does and one of the many reasons I love it so! I'm already looking forward to next year!