Curtain bangs. No, you aren't mistaken. It really is 2021. And, apparently, it all comes back around whether it needs to or not.
A few weeks ago, my teenage daughter EMAILED me to let me know that she wanted curtain bangs.
(So let's talk about this for a minute. Do your teenage children EMAIL and TEXT you with questions and things they want? I mean, we live in the same house, and you are sitting right beside me on the sofa. Even if you're in your room, I can still hear you. But my teenage daughter emails me (she doesn't have a phone yet so she can't text me, otherwise . . .). And my teenage son texts me. I let him know I'm going to pick up my grocery order, and not two minutes later as I'm pulling out of the driveway I get a TEXT from him asking when he can hang out with his friends. Really?! First of all, I just left the house, and I am driving, and you know I'm not going to text while I'm driving. And second of all, I'm not going to text you back anyway. But you're more than welcome to TALK to me about hanging out with your friends. Teenagers. Anyway.)
Curtain bangs. Okay, so you want curtain bangs. Let me just show you what happens when you have curtain bangs. BAM! Teenage daughter didn't believe me when I told her that I had curtain bangs once upon a time so I whipped this picture out. She nearly DIED. And then she proceeded to tell me these are not curtain bangs but goofy bangs.
Um, no. Those were not poofy bangs. I very clearly remember being so upset that morning because my bangs did NOT look like I wanted them to for pictures. Curtain bangs. But as the bangs (unfortunately) lived on, I did have poofy bangs.
Mimi's bang game was pretty strong, too. And can we all just pause and give a shout-out to Olan Mills? Are they even still a thing?!
So as this conversation continued with Hannah Kate, I did warn her not to cut her own bangs. Case in point. (And I obviously forgot it was picture day at school that day.) I tried to explain to her that just because she sees a cute little picture of someone else's curtain bangs doesn't mean her curtain bangs are going to look the same way. I mean, I should know. Right?! I really thought my bangs were short-lived (because they were such a bad idea), but apparently they weren't. The bangs lived on for several years.One of the (HARD) things about parenting teenagers is that you can't make their decisions for them. Sometimes they just have to learn the hard way (within reason, of course). As much as I didn't want to go there, bangs are one of the things that fall within the boundaries of decisions the teenage daughter can make for herself. Besides, I think bangs are kind of a rite of passage that all teenage girls go through. So we went there today.
The first thing she said was, "I don't know if I like it or not."
Well. If not, it'll grow.
For someone who doesn't like to dry her hair or spend any amount of time on her hair, it will be interesting to see how it goes the next few days. Because this isn't just going to happen on it's own, especially when your hair is naturally wavy and definitely doesn't dry smooth. I know that from experience. But teenagers aren't interested in my experience or words of wisdom and caution. Because they know everything.
I'm not going to say, "I told you so."
But. We'll see.