For the Journey

Any day spent with you is my favorite day. So today is my new favorite day. ~A.A. Milne

"You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance." ~Psalm 65:11

Spring break.  I haven't blogged about this, but it's a memory I want to be sure to keep.

We weren't able to plan a spring break trip for several reasons.  Seth was (and still is) in the middle of a PHMSA audit at work.  I had BSF on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Hannah Kate had special rehearsals for the dance recital on Thursday and Friday.  I hopped on social media when I got finished with BSF on Wednesday morning, and the first thing that popped up was some pictures my cousin posted at the beach.  They were camping for the week.  When I realized where they were and that it was only four hours away from us, I texted her to ask how long they were going to be there.  She said they were cutting the trip short and leaving that evening because of a bad storm that was expected later that night.  So I asked her what time, and she said probably around 9:00.  I told her we could be there by mid-afternoon and at least spend a few hours together.  So that's what we did!

I'm not very good at spontaneous.  Everything we do is planned out and prepared way in advance.  I keep detailed notes, and I write everything down in my planner.  But spontaneous is so much fun!  I told the kids to grab a bag and fill it with their swimsuit, a change of clothes, pajamas and a toothbrush and toothpaste.  I didn't tell them where we were going or what we were doing.  But, alas, I forget that teenagers have phones.  So we weren't very far before TJ connected with Mason, and they figured out what we were doing.

We spent the late afternoon on the beach together and then went to eat pizza.  The kids had the best time!  It stinks living so far away from my people, but it makes the times we're together just so much sweeter.  Most of the time I feel like we're missing out on so much.  But days like this remind me to make the very most of the time we do have together.  I also know these are some of the best memories my kids will always take with them.

Mason is over 6 feet tall now, and he continues to think he's going to catch up with TJ.  But the taller Mason gets, the taller TJ gets!

It was such an unexpected treat to talk "life" with my Aunt Harriette and Denise.  It was a very life-giving afternoon and evening with our people that the kids and I truly needed.  They are some of our favorites, and I sure wish we could do more of life with them.  But it also makes us look even more forward to the next time!  It was just the best day!