Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
Well. This is what happens when you jump a flip off your bed and miss the landing on your bean bag.
She has quite a shiner. The picture doesn't even do it justice. I supposed it will be black and blue tomorrow.Oh, yes, she's been told over and over and OVER again that she's not allowed to cut flips off the furniture. Honestly, I don't even think she realizes what she's doing. She can't get up off of anything without flipping, jumping or hand-standing. Tonight when I went upstairs to put her to bed, I asked her to get up and go potty. She immediately obliged but not without standing up on her bed and jumping off. She nearly jumped into her dresser in the process. So I reminded her AGAIN that she shouldn't be jumping off her bed because she's going to seriously hurt herself. Her response? "Oh, yeah. I forgot."
I told you how she feels about my nutcracker (also known as jaw knockers) collection. Here was our conversation on Hannah Kate's birthday when she saw Hannah Kate's wrapped gift on the table:
Ellie: Mama, will you please tell me what Hannah Kate's present is?
Me: No.
Ellie: Pleeaaassseeeee?!
Me: No.
Ellie: Please, Mama! If you tell me, you can have all the nutcrackers you want! You can even get that really big one you want! And you can have a nutcracker cake on your birthday!
Needless to say, as tempting as it was (because I really want that big nutcracker!), I didn't tell her. Ellie isn't very good at keeping secrets.
Ellie is also quite sneaky. She loves playing jokes on people. I honestly don't know where she gets this from because I do NOT like jokes.
Seth came home early on our snow day. The first thing he did was go straight to the coffee pot. He came outside while he was waiting on it to brew. Ellie was inside at this point. She opened the door and yelled, "Daaadddd! Your coffee is ready!" At the time, I thought that was odd. Since when does she care about the coffee? Anyway, Seth went inside to pour a cup, only he couldn't find his mug! He uses only one cup for his coffee, and Ellie had hid it from him! That's why she wanted him to hurry up and come inside. What in the world made her think of that?!
Oh, but that's not even the best of it.
She has an old, deactivated cell phone that she plays with at her MawMaw's house. She can take pictures with it and play a few games on it. Last week, PawPaw and MawMaw were woken up at 4:30AM by an alarm. Ellie had set the alarm on that phone and PUT IT UNDER THEIR BED. Y'all. I am not kidding. Who does that?! I mean, UNDER THE BED. That's like so deliberate. And, no, she can't exactly tell time yet. She just takes a guess. She likes to set the alarm on her kindle to some ridiculous rooster crowing, but she has yet to do it in the middle of the night. I confiscated her kindle two weeks ago and turned off all the alarms and dared her to turn them back on. But, really. WHERE DOES SHE COME UP WITH THIS STUFF?!?
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. She keeps me on my toes. She gives me a run for my money every. day. But . . . I wouldn't have it any other way! Everybody needs an Ellie (but an Ellie without a cell phone!).