Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...

Mason's Eggs: After the party, Mimi and I helped Mason decorate Easter eggs. I'm afraid Mimi will forever have three spots of Easter egg dye stains on the rug underneath the dining room table! I'm not sure what Mason enjoyed most - dying the eggs or trying to crack them open.
All Dressed Up: We were in such a rush on Easter Sunday morning to get dressed and ready for church that we didn't have time for pictures or Easter baskets. And when we got home, Mason was in NO MOOD to have his picture taken! All he wanted to do was act silly. I was disappointed that I didn't get a good picture of Mason and Hannah Kate all dressed up in their Easter outfits, but I guess the pictures I did get are a pretty fair representation of a very active, opinionated 2-year-old and 3 1/2 month old who is still figuring out her new world.
Easter Baskets: Mason had Mickey Mouse bubbles, Toy Story 2, an Elmo kite, Candy Land and candy in his basket. Hannah Kate's basket came compliments of Pop and Mimi, and she got an outfit, stuffed bunny, rattle and Amelia Bedelia book (that was more for me). Mason received an Easter box full of fun stuff from Pop and Mimi, including a new pair of Crocs, a couple of outfits, singing chick or duck (it quacks but sings the chicken song so we really aren't sure what it is!), little cars and candy.
Easter Egg Hunt: Just for fun, Pop and Daddy hid some eggs in the backyard for Mason to find. It was pretty chilly Easter afternoon though so the egg hunt went rather quickly.