Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
The week after Easter, we took a little break and headed to Georgia for a few days. It was a quick trip, and we hardly left the booming metropolis of Hollonville. We didn't get to see everyone or do everything, but it was good just to go. Jennifer asked me how many trips I've made since Thanksgiving. Four. It doesn't seem like that many, but it was. I was just glad I didn't have a funeral to go to this time around.
The kids made a short little list of what they wanted to do. The list basically consisted of people they wanted to see. Honestly, I have pictures of only the last day we were there! I'm not sure how that happened except that it was just nice to slow down and unplug for a bit.
So we spent an afternoon with our beach buddies. My kids ALWAYS ask to see H and O. Ellie especially loves spending time with O. We spent the day with the J boy cousins. I can't believe I didn't take the first picture of the kids together, but I guess my sister-in-law and I were just too busy talking and catching up. We spent the last day with Jennifer and Denise and their kids. Because I think Ellie talks about Kennedy EVERY. DAY.The kids had a blast fishing and kayaking in the pond. Pop came along for the fun so he could catch some fish for supper the following week.
It wasn't long before Mason reeled in the first catch, a nice bream.
I just love this picture of Aunt Harriette cheering Hannah Kate on as she reeled in her first fish.
Another nice bream.
I turned around, and Mason was reeling in this little bass. We threw him back though.
And then it was Ellie's turn.
She caught a cute little bream, too.
Hannah Kate reeled in this nice one.
And then it was time for kayaking. My kids had never been kayaking before, and they absolutely loved it. They didn't want to get out. They also have a new item on their "wish lists," but, you know . . . alligators in these parts.
While my big kids were kayaking, Ellie was doing gymnastics. Jada was so sweet to spend some time with Ellie and give her a few "lessons." Jada is a cheerleader and takes gym to help her with stunts. First she taught Ellie how to step into her cartwheel. I have to say . . . Ellie's cartwheel has come a long way, and I think it's quite impressive for a four year old.
And then Jada worked with her on a handstand. Ellie's handstands currently end up in back bends, which I guess is perfectly fine.
And then they practiced toe touches.
After supper, Pop and the big kids would play a round or two of HORSE. I mean, there's nothing like balling in your crocs!
And that was our quick trip to Georgia.