I've been waiting all school year to tell this story. Honestly, more than anything, I was waiting to find out what the end of this story was...
For the last week of February, or any week in February for that matter, it was quite an eventful one. I have been praying some very specific prayer requests for about a year and a half now. We've been in a constant pattern of waiting and hoping for such a long time. And then, all at once, the Lord has answered almost all of them exceedingly abundantly more . . . all at once. It's been humbling and overwhelming and exciting and a little bit scary all at the same time.
I have a chauffeur now. It was an interesting drive to church this morning with Mason in the driver's seat and Seth in the back seat. It was Seth's first time being in the truck with Mason driving. I'm really thinking it's not the best idea for both Seth and me to be in the vehicle when Mason drives.
We have about two and a half months left of homeschooling. I feel like we're so close and yet so far away. Ellie had several science projects this year. I have such a love hate relationship with science projects. I love that she gets so excited about them, is mostly independent in the execution of the project and learns a lot. But they can be a lot of work, sometimes messy and always time consuming. She had two remaining projects for this semester, and they were assigned in consecutive weeks. At least we're going to get them over with, I guess. She has to create two ecosystems, one aquatic and the other land, and record a video presentation. She created a diorama of a coral reef for her aquatic ecosystem. The best thing about this project was that we already had all the supplies on hand that she needed, and it gave her the opportunity to really tap into her creative side. She loves all the messy things like paint and glue.Hannah Kate and I spent Friday night at the dance studio for recital pictures. It's her ten-year and Abbie's senior year. Their pictures truly are going to be beautiful, and I can hardly wait to see them take the stage this year.And since the week before was covered in ice, it was only fitting that this week saw record high temps in the 80s. I have a love hate relationship with that, too. I love spring, love the anticipation of the world bursting forth in spring green as the trees and grass and flowers begin to show off. But I really do not love the summertime heat. Spring is so very short and summer so very long. But Grandmother's lilies popped up out of the ground this week so that means spring is almost here. I worked outside a bit getting the beds ready, and Seth finished my new raised boxes. He also cut the grass for the first time this season. Now I'm watching the trees for the first burst of new leaves. I'm also dreaming of what to plant in my vegetable garden the year. I can hardly believe tomorrow is March 1. I don't know what else 2021 holds, but it's already going by so quickly. And it's been good. It really has been.