Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
I'm not even sure where to begin except to say that we woke up yesterday morning to a rather significant layer of ice (for south Louisiana). Not snow. Ice. We are still frozen in today.
Yesterday before they went outside for the first time, I warned them. I told them that even though they couldn't see it, the driveway and sidewalk were covered in a layer of ice so they needed to be very careful. Otherwise, they'd end up on their behind. And, of course, some of us prefer to do things our own way, which means learning things the hard way. But that's fine if that's how you want to do that.And, yes, he has pants. But he took them off and left them on the floor in his room right before he went outside. Because he was going outside. (If you have a teenage boy, you know).The ice on the trampoline shows just how thick it really was.
The ice has definitely gotten a bad rap, but I think it's absolutely beautiful!
The kids had fun seeing who could find the longest icicle. If I were a good homeschooling mom, I would've sent them out with a ruler to see just how long the longest was. But, you know.
Today was more of the same. They loved playing around in the ice on the trampoline.It was this time last year during Mardi Gras break that we went to San Antonio, and Hannah Kate discovered her love for churros. So today we decided to make our own. Overall, I'd say it was a success. I didn't have the right sized pastry tip though so ours were really small. But they were still really good!
One of my favorite things is that Seth has had to work from home. That meant he spent about six hours just sitting in his truck in the driveway yesterday because our internet is so bad that he couldn't connect and had to use his hotspot instead. But he got to spend more time inside today. I just love having him here.