Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
Oh, Wednesday. You are the longest day of my week. But we're going to get this thing done!
Fall is my most favorite time of year for cooking! I would make soup every single day of the week, but my people would not like that. At all. This week has been simple, mainly because I'm just too tired by the end of the day to spend a lot of time in my kitchen. Monday night we had spaghetti, salad and my favorite garlic bread. Last night we had one of those one pan chicken and veggie dinners.
You know, they're all the rage on Pinterest. And there's a good reason why. Super easy, super simple, minimal clean up, good for you and really yummy. It's also really easy to mix it up a bit by changing out marinades, changing out veggies depending on what you like. This is one from last week. I mean, talk about eating the rainbow! I just love pretty food (never mind the raw chicken).
Tonight we had ham and cheese sliders (because dance). Tomorrow night is taco salads. I'm not sure about Friday yet. I have some shrimp in the freezer so that's what I'm thinking about right now.
Last week I had butternut squash ravioli. It was divine! Really! No, I didn't make it from scratch. I purchased the pasta pre-made at Trader Joe's and then made my own sauce. Last year I made a delicious butternut squash risotto. That's coming up on the menu soon, too.
We had the BEST time at Disney. One day at Hollywood Studios, one day at Epcot, three days at Magic Kingdom (here, here and here). The kids are STILL asking when we're going back. Who can blame them? It's the happiest place on earth!
Finally, finally, FINALLY it's not 90 degrees anymore! Fall has arrived in the way of the 80s and leaves turning brown and falling off the trees. That's the best it gets in Louisiana. But, at this point, I'll take it! I even wore long sleeves to church on Sunday. Not that it was cool enough, but it wasn't too hot. It's since warmed up, but it was nice while it lasted.
Now that it's not so hot, I've been enjoying my back porch. We didn't use it at all this summer because it was just too hot. Mason and I sit out there every afternoon and read. I sit and watch the kids play in the backyard. It's just so nice to do some back porch sitting and thinking and reading and talking.
And online shopping. I mean, I've always loved online shopping, but I love it now more than ever. It's just not a fun experience taking the kids shopping. For any of us. And since we homeschool, well, they are ALWAYS with me. So, if I want to go shopping or need to go to the doctor or to get my tired rotated or ANYTHING, they are with me. Most of my Christmas gifts were purchased online, and I even bought a lot of their fall/winter clothes online.
Obviously we took some time off and away to Disney World. But now we're back to our regular schedule of homeschooling and dance.
I finished all of the window treatments for the breakfast nook. That was a huge accomplishment! I'd had the fabric for nearly two years, and I sewed the first two last February! They aren't at all perfect. I didn't use a pattern, which is totally out of character for me. But they're growing on me. Now I need to fill my bread bowl.
I finished purging the kids' closets and organizing what was left. Except for only two people on my list, I finished Christmas shopping. I love finished projects, and it seems like there's a lot of that lately.
I still need to make an appointment to see my ophthalmologist. I was supposed to have already done that because I'm over-due for my annual check-up. But now it's even more imperative to get that done. I was so tired a few weeks ago that I accidentally washed my contacts down the sink instead of putting them in! And I had only one pair left.
Next week we will finish shopping and filling our shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child! We're all looking forward to that little missions project. And I'm also working on our Christmas card.
I finally had an opportunity last week and weekend to plant my fall garden. I'm actually harvesting tomatoes right now! I planted a few plants the week before the flood. Only three survived. The plants themselves look terrible, but the tomatoes are much prettier than the ones I had this summer! Seriously, this tomato came out of MY garden!
I just wish the rest of them would hurry up and turn. I'm ready to pull the plants up so I can finish my garden. If not, I see a lot of fried green tomatoes in our future!
I'm trying something new this year. Strawberries! They require a little more fuss than I'm used to so we'll see what happens. They're in the bed on the bottom left so that's why it looks like there isn't anything there. To the right are my broccoli, cauliflower and kale. To the back left is my cabbage. And I have green onions and Brussels sprouts waiting for those tomatoes to come out of the ground. I plan to sow some carrot seed, too.
Right now is my most favorite time of the year. So that's what I'm excited about. It just seems like it's going by all too quickly.
This month I read The Glass Castle, Bridge to Haven and Shakespeare's tales (Mason and I read that together). I have to tell you. I'm still not sure how I feel about The Glass Castle. It was beautiful, it was heart-wrenching. But, most of all, I really think it was haunting. Not in a bad sort of way. Just wow. I do love Francine Rivers, and I definitely enjoyed Bridge to Haven. I've never been more glad to finish a book than I was to move on from Shakespeare. But at least I can now say I've read more than just Julius Caesar and Romeo and Juliet! I am currently reading The Undoing of Saint Silvanus by Beth Moore. Mason and I are reading The Hobbit. Now that's an entertaining book!
Lately, in my "spare" time, I've been listening to sermons by our pastor at our church in Mississippi. He just started a new series on the book of Jonah.
I'll be taking the kids to a fall festival and then I'm coming home to watch the Georgia/Florida game. I mean, I guess at this point it just doesn't matter a whole lot anyway. It's been disappointing, for sure. New season, new coach, young team, lots to work on. But, like my friend always says this time of year, there's always next year.
So much!Next weekend we're going to Houston for Avery's senior band night. Yes. Avery (my nephew) is a senior. I can't even.
We're going to Georgia for Thanksgiving, and I can't wait! We didn't get to make a trip over the summer so I haven't seen my friends and family in a year!
Thanksgiving. Did I mention Thanksgiving?!
Yes! The most wonderful time of the year!