Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
It's July. June is a memory, as is the entire first half of 2016. It's hot. It's miserable hot. It's summertime! And since I have so much catching up to do, I'm just going to start with the most recent and work my way backwards.
Our holiday weekend began on Friday. We took the kids fishing.
We were out on the lake for six hours. And it was the six hottest hours of the day. So while I enjoyed it to a certain extent, I'm also reminded why I prefer to be in the water instead of in a boat this time of year. I have to admit the kids were troopers. For the most part. Because did I mention it was HOT? This girl fished the most out of all of them.
We found a good little fishing hole, and everyone caught a fish or two or three. Mason had a nice catch.
This was the first fish Hannah Kate reeled in. She was so proud. She caught two or three more, too.
Ellie is just posing with one of Daddy's fish. She attempted to fish, but she threw her rod into the water at one point. It might have been on purpose. I don't even know. Daddy was able to get it out for her.
Have you ever had that feeling that someone (or someTHING) is watching you? Yes, indeed. This was a big one. Let's just say I felt really small standing in the boat while this monster was staring me down.
I think perhaps this particular trip was Seth's way of trying to find a place for us to go skiing. That's been the ongoing conversation for two years now. He has yet to find a place here where I'll get in the water, and THIS IS WHY! I've decided that Louisiana's numerous waterways are good for one thing and one thing only. Boating. Not skiing.
This was my view pretty much all day. I fished, too, but I mostly sat back and watched. Did I mention how HOT it was?
We finally left our fishing hole to go for a ride so we could cool off a bit. She fell asleep. I have no idea how. I guess she was just that tired.
And then we went back for more.
By the end of the trip we'd reeled in 16 catfish.
Saturday we spent all day at PawPaw's house . . . in the pool, on the four wheeler, playing, eating. The kids were so excited that Avery and Beau were in town for the weekend. My veggie tray and fruit salad were my favorites!
And, of course, here are the pool pictures!
We all went to church on Sunday morning and then had lunch afterwards. We had some honored guests with us so one of us had to move to the kids' table.
After lunch it was more of the same. When I got back from church Sunday night, Ellie was swimming by herself without floaties! This is a HUGE accomplishment for this girl this summer.
She's also been working on her jump formations. Believe me, it's quite a hoot. This is only one of many.
Within the next year, we will celebrate a 40th birthday, a 50th birthday, an 18th birthday, a high school graduation . . .
And yesterday, Independence Day, we did absolutely NOTHING patriotic. I think we were all worn out from the rest of our weekend. Seth spent most of the day working in the yard, and I spent most of the day working on VBS. We ate Mexican food for supper! And we even skipped out on the fireworks! But we did have fireworks Sunday night if that makes you feel any better.