Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
She leaves a little sparkle everywhere she goes.
I really and truly think that best describes our Ellie. So how better to celebrate her 4th birthday than with a sparkler in the shape of a 4 in the middle of her little cake. She was a little hesitant to get too close, though.
She was tickled about the "hat" on top of her cake. She kept asking me if it was real or if it was icing.
And then she wanted to wear it.
I can hardly believe she is already four years old! The years just go by so quickly.
Ellie packs a lot of personality in her four year old self. Sometimes we joke with her that she's Ellie the Ellie-phant. Not too long ago, she came up behind me and said, "Look Mama. I'm Ellie the Ellie-phant," all while holding a pink leg warmer up to her nose.
There are rare moments of still and quiet and reflection. But not only are they rare, they are fleeting.
Instead, it's more like this . . .
and this . . .
and this!
Ellie was exactly what our family needed. She adds so much laughter and life and unexpected to every day. She lives loud, and she lives hard. But at the end of the day, she still prefers to crawl up in my lap and snuggle as close as she possibly can.
The place in my heart for this girl is BIG. She keeps me on my toes, but I also think she's keeping me young at heart.