Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
The following quote showed up on my Instagram feed this morning, and I've thought about it throughout the day: What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?
1. I am thankful that today was Tuesday. Tuesdays have become my most favorite day of the week since school started! Tuesdays are not Mondays. And we have no therapy and no dance. Tuesdays are not errand day. So that means I get to stay home all. day. Ellie and I are lazy on Tuesdays. When she wakes up, I get her out of the crib, and then we lay together in Hannah Kate's bed for a few minutes. This morning it was 30 minutes of pure bliss with my little baby doll. She laid her head on my shoulder and rubbed my arm up and down, up and down. When Ellie wants to give some love, that's what she does. After breakfast we went for a bike ride. That's another of my most favorite activities to do with her in the mornings. We live on a very remote dead-end road. We talk about all kinds of things on our bike rides, we see all kinds of different animals, we hear all kinds of different sounds. We usually ride about six miles, but it was a little shorter this morning. The air was very still and thick. It's just real hot in a surface-of-the-sun kind of way. I can not wait for bike rides in cooler weather. I also clean my house on Tuesdays during Ellie's nap. I love the smell of mopped floors!
2. I am thankful that Mason's teacher announced today that tomorrow's Social Studies test will be open book! Oh, how we needed that. After two hours of doing homework, nobody wants to have to study for a Social Studies test! That was the best news I got all day!
3. I am thankful for the written Holy Word of God. It's true. It's TRUTH. The enemy loves nothing more than planting seeds of doubt and frustration and anger and discouragement, all based on LIES. Even though I know in my head what God's Word says, my heart can still feel the sting of the lies that Satan would like for me to believe. That's when it's time to go back to His written Word and replace Satan's lies with God's truth. Let's just say I had to do lots of "replacing" today!
1. I am thankful that today was Tuesday. Tuesdays have become my most favorite day of the week since school started! Tuesdays are not Mondays. And we have no therapy and no dance. Tuesdays are not errand day. So that means I get to stay home all. day. Ellie and I are lazy on Tuesdays. When she wakes up, I get her out of the crib, and then we lay together in Hannah Kate's bed for a few minutes. This morning it was 30 minutes of pure bliss with my little baby doll. She laid her head on my shoulder and rubbed my arm up and down, up and down. When Ellie wants to give some love, that's what she does. After breakfast we went for a bike ride. That's another of my most favorite activities to do with her in the mornings. We live on a very remote dead-end road. We talk about all kinds of things on our bike rides, we see all kinds of different animals, we hear all kinds of different sounds. We usually ride about six miles, but it was a little shorter this morning. The air was very still and thick. It's just real hot in a surface-of-the-sun kind of way. I can not wait for bike rides in cooler weather. I also clean my house on Tuesdays during Ellie's nap. I love the smell of mopped floors!
2. I am thankful that Mason's teacher announced today that tomorrow's Social Studies test will be open book! Oh, how we needed that. After two hours of doing homework, nobody wants to have to study for a Social Studies test! That was the best news I got all day!
3. I am thankful for the written Holy Word of God. It's true. It's TRUTH. The enemy loves nothing more than planting seeds of doubt and frustration and anger and discouragement, all based on LIES. Even though I know in my head what God's Word says, my heart can still feel the sting of the lies that Satan would like for me to believe. That's when it's time to go back to His written Word and replace Satan's lies with God's truth. Let's just say I had to do lots of "replacing" today!