Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
Our weekend began on Friday. A usual 9-hour trip to Georgia took us 11 hours. There was a really bad accident on the interstate in Mobile, and the interstate was closed because of structural damage to the bridge. So we had to take a rather long detour. But once we got here, it didn't seem like it'd taken that long after all. I spent most of the ride reading a book. The children were content with their movies and electronics. So it was a good trip.
On Saturday we had the honor of attending a beautiful wedding. My cousin Brian married his bride, Lindsay. Brian is the youngest of us eight grandchildren on the Connell side and the last one of us to get married. Have I mentioned how beautiful the wedding was?! It was girlie and elegant and gorgeous and FUN, too. My cousin Ashley was a bridesmaid, and she walked down the aisle carrying her youngest, Wyatt, who is seven months old. He was a ring bearer. And her two little girls were the flower girls. They were so precious. Hannah Kate was awestruck by Lindsay's gown. The music, the dresses, the flowers, the ceremony were all very southern and very traditional. But Brian and Lindsay walked out to "Fishin' in the Dark!" So very fun!
I was thinking the entire time during the ceremony how much Grandmother would've enjoyed it! She's doing really well, but the alzheimer's has advanced to the stage where she doesn't know any of us anymore. She gave me perhaps some of the best advice I've ever heard regarding dating and marriage, something I'll always remember and never forget. I was a sophomore in college and had come home one weekend for a visit. We were sitting in her den. I wasn't dating anyone at the time. We were talking about that a little bit, and she said, "Don't marry the person you think you can live with. Marry the person you know you can't live without." I'm forever thankful for the example she and my Pa were to us, as well as my own parents and my aunts and uncles in their marriages, too. I wish that she could've been there to celebrate with Brian and Lindsay. She would've loved every minute of it. She would just be so proud! She'd be proud of all of us, I'm sure.
After the wedding at Lindsay's church, we went to the Georgia Hall at the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for the reception. The food was absolutely phenomenal! It's hard to choose a favorite, but I really loved the prosciutto wrapped asparagus. We also got to spend a few quiet minutes talking to Brian and Lindsay before they were introduced to their guests. When I told Lindsay how much Hannah Kate loved her gown, she so graciously offered to let Hannah Kate hold her bouquet for our picture. I think Hannah Kate is beaming just as much as the bride and groom!
And y'all . . . best wedding favor. EVER. Right here. Guests were treated to a little bag of Georgia peaches! Mason really wanted to swipe a tomahawk, too, but I wasn't so sure that those were to give away so we didn't come home with one. But I got some peaches!On Sunday we went to church and had a chicken-q and "singin" afterwards. If you're from the south, you know what I'm talking about.
And then we spent the rest of the afternoon on the water slide and had a cook-out with Rob and Kristi and the boys.
And this was the best I could do to get them all in a picture together. Of course, Ellie is not in the picture!
Because this is what happens when they see me bring the camera out. But this is pretty much what went on the entire time.
Ellie and Judd had to work really hard to share and take turns. Judd kept calling Ellie the "baby." And he wanted the baby to get out of the car so he could ride it. But the baby did not want to get out.
And then Ellie got on the tricycle. Judd was just trying to help her along, but she wasn't too much interested in his help.
And then Pop took them for a ride on the golf cart. Except Ellie. She screamed.
And today we enjoyed a fun afternoon and evening with our friends. We went swimming and had another cook-out. The kids really had a great time! Their favorite was the slide. I know exactly what conversation they're going to have with their PawPaw when we go back to Louisiana!
And there's nothing like a friendly little water gun fight, too.
Ellie actually got in the pool today. She hasn't at all been interested in Seth's parents' pool. But this one today was much warmer so I think that's why she was willing to get in a little bit.
I wanted to get a picture of all the children together, but that wasn't happening. So I did manage to get this picture of Harrison with Hannah Kate. His little brother, Owen, is only two weeks older than Ellie. They played so well together today.
And more fun in the pool!
I really don't think I truly comprehend the depth of sacrifice that so many men and women made and continue to make for our country. But I was thinking today that so many of the things I enjoyed this holiday weekend are because of them and what they gave up so I can enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in this great county we call America . . . the land of the free, and the home of the brave!