Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
As promised, here are a few of Ellie's five month pictures.
Ellie still loves to sleep on her back with her arms up over her head most of them time.
Ellie loves to play now, loves her floor gym and loves to reach out an grab whatever she can get her hands on.
Even though our Thanksgiving didn't seem like Thnksgiving, here are a couple of pictures of Ellie on Thanksgiving Day, her first Thanksgiving. She wants to sit up like a big girl but still needs a little help.
And everything goes in the mouth now! It's nearly impossible to keep socks and shoes on those sweet feet.
Ellie began eating cereal from her spoon this month. She did really well during her first feeding and now looks forward to her cereal each day. I think she likes it!
There were lots of arms to hold Ellie at Hannah Kate's birthday party. I love this picture of her and Abbie.
And here she is practicing her rolling over skills.Ellie doesn't fall asleep as easily as she used to for her morning and afternoon naps. On this particular day, I was trying to cook supper, but she was just not happy and fighting every second of her nap. So I stopped and sat down on the floor beside her bouncer and laid my hand on her tummy. She grabbed my hand (she loves to hold hands!) and immediately went to sleep.
I can't wait to celebrate Ellie's first Christmas! Here she is with the Christmas ornament that Mimi got for her. Mimi gets the kids an ornament every year, and they are all on the family Christmas tree we have in the playroom.
Here's another picture from the day I tried to capture all three for our annual Christmas card. This one didn't make the card either, but I thought it was cute nonetheless.