Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
Here's our baby! (S)he is looking straight at you. You can sort of see where the eyes, nose and mouth are.

The sonographer said baby looks perfect! The heart rate was 161 BPM. And baby weighs about 12 ounces. As for me, I have now officially gained some weight with this pregnancy: 1 pound! When I was nearly 20 weeks pregnant with Mason, I had already gained nearly 20 pounds! I had gained 4 pounds with Hannah Kate. I stopped taking my anti-nausea medications this week, but I hardly have an appetite, and I have to make myself eat. There's just not a whole lot that's good to me right now.
So I'll be 20 weeks on Friday, which means I'm halfway there. It seems like I should already be there by now! But after my next doctor's appointment on March 27, I'll begin going every two weeks. So maybe the next 20 weeks won't seem as long as the first 20 have.
After my appointment, Hannah Kate and I took care of several errands. And then we treated ourselves to lunch at PF Chang's, mostly because I had a 30% off coupon. Hannah Kate loves eating with chopsticks.
And then, of course, they bring fortune cookies out at the end of your meal. I let Hannah Kate choose which one she wanted, and I took the next one. This was my fortune today:
And then I turned it over . . . they always have an English word with the Chinese translation underneath it . . . and saw this:
Are you kidding me?! Now, I'm not one to believe in myths or fortunes . . . but really?! And just in case you've forgotten, the Chinese pregnancy calendar also predicts we're having a boy. I know eight girls expecting between now and July. SEVEN of them are having boys! Maybe this is the year of the boys?

And then I looked at Hannah Kate's fortune . . . guess what her word was:
Needless to say, I saved these for the baby's book!
We have the girl name picked out, but I'm thinking we need to start talking about boy names now!
Mason still really wants a boy, and Hannah Kate has changed her mind. She now wants a baby sister. She told me tonight that she wants to name her Barbie. And then she suggested Lily. She had a little meltdown yesterday when Mason was talking about having a boy so she and I had to have a conversation today about the baby . . . and how Jesus knows exactly what we need and how He has determined if we're having a girl or a boy . . . and how that will be perfect for our family, even if it's a boy.
In the meantime, I was so tempted to look at that screen today when she told me to close my eyes, but I didn't. So you'll still have to wait until July to find out what we're having! How fun is that?!