I have a confession to make. It is December 22 . . . 3 days til Christmas . . . and my Christmas tree has already come and gone. Literally.
I love live Christmas trees, and we've always had a live tree. This year wasn't any different. I was so excited for our first Christmas in our new house. I had big plans . . . until I counted the doors on my house and realized how many wreaths I needed (10 and that didn't include the windows!) . . . and then I didn't have enough garland for the stair rail and balcony . . . and I'm not quite sure what happened to all of my ornaments because I certainly didn't have enough to fill a tree (or maybe the tree just got bigger this year!) . . . and then we've had SIX parties during the past three weeks, four of which I was the hostess (I have no idea how my social calendar got so full!) . . . and I've just been so busy that I haven't had time to do anything, much less decorate a tree! That's right, folks. I NEVER decorated our tree! After we'd had it for nearly two weeks, I did string the lights. And I got so aggravated during the process that I vowed we'd have a pre-lit tree next year! As a matter of fact, when the tree went out the door yesterday (the thing was already dead as a door nail, and I was tired of sweeping up pine needles!), I didn't even bother to take the lights off of it!
We're leaving early in the morning to go to Georgia for Christmas. That would be another reason for my complacency regarding our tannenbaum this year. We aren't going to be here. I haven't done any of my usual baking either. I just love my parents' house at Christmas. It looks like it came right out of Southern Living magazine! And I know my mama has already done all of the baking, pralines and fudge included, so I'm all good!
I'm actually quite disappointed in myself. But I'm also already planning for next year! Less parties, more decorations and a fabulous Christmas tree! In the meantime, I can hardly wait to go to Georgia! I'm going to enjoy every minute of the 9-hour trip (I plan to catch up on my reading. I should finish at least two books, if not more. Better yet, I just might SLEEP!). And I'm going to enjoy every minute with my family and friends!

I love live Christmas trees, and we've always had a live tree. This year wasn't any different. I was so excited for our first Christmas in our new house. I had big plans . . . until I counted the doors on my house and realized how many wreaths I needed (10 and that didn't include the windows!) . . . and then I didn't have enough garland for the stair rail and balcony . . . and I'm not quite sure what happened to all of my ornaments because I certainly didn't have enough to fill a tree (or maybe the tree just got bigger this year!) . . . and then we've had SIX parties during the past three weeks, four of which I was the hostess (I have no idea how my social calendar got so full!) . . . and I've just been so busy that I haven't had time to do anything, much less decorate a tree! That's right, folks. I NEVER decorated our tree! After we'd had it for nearly two weeks, I did string the lights. And I got so aggravated during the process that I vowed we'd have a pre-lit tree next year! As a matter of fact, when the tree went out the door yesterday (the thing was already dead as a door nail, and I was tired of sweeping up pine needles!), I didn't even bother to take the lights off of it!
We're leaving early in the morning to go to Georgia for Christmas. That would be another reason for my complacency regarding our tannenbaum this year. We aren't going to be here. I haven't done any of my usual baking either. I just love my parents' house at Christmas. It looks like it came right out of Southern Living magazine! And I know my mama has already done all of the baking, pralines and fudge included, so I'm all good!
I'm actually quite disappointed in myself. But I'm also already planning for next year! Less parties, more decorations and a fabulous Christmas tree! In the meantime, I can hardly wait to go to Georgia! I'm going to enjoy every minute of the 9-hour trip (I plan to catch up on my reading. I should finish at least two books, if not more. Better yet, I just might SLEEP!). And I'm going to enjoy every minute with my family and friends!
Now I did hang all 10 of those wreaths, thanks only to my sisters-in-law! But that's about as festive as we got around here save the occasional manger, stockings and candy cane candle. The exception would be Mason's and Hannah Kate's trees. Hannah Kate has a pink tree in her room! It's so very girlie. My sister-in-law even said it's prissy! I'm not thrilled with Mason's tree. I really wanted to do a hunting / fishing theme for his tree, but I didn't have time to find the ornaments. So we just used all of his special ornaments that have been collected over the past five years. His favorite in Spiderman. Here are a few pictures of the kids decorating their trees.