Well. Here we are again. I thought I had turned over a new leaf in blog land. In other words, I was going to blog a little more often about the adventures of my life as a stay-at-home mom and the escapades of my precious babies who aren't necessarily babies anymore. I'm not particularly sure why . . . I have no idea why anyone besides my mama would want to read about my rather uninteresting life anyway! I did really good for about two weeks. And then I lost it. I've been meaning to post pictures from our whirlwind Labor Day weekend trip to Georgia ever since . . . well, Labor Day . . . which just so happens was almost a month ago. And then I had plans for the cutest blog about Hannah Kate. And have I even mentioned that Mason is playing soccer again this fall, and his first game of the season was last weekend, and he scored the very first goal for his team at their first soccer game . . . ?!? Plans.
The month of September is nearly gone . . . without so much as a post or a picture. Now, first of all, I'm actually quite giddy that another month has passed because that means October is here . . . my absolute most favorite month of the year! October just has the most fabulous smells (cinnamon buns and pumpkin spice and mulled cider and apple pie!) and sights (okay, so I don't exactly get to experience first hand the changing of the leaves here in south Louisiana) and sounds (you know, like the Redcoat Marching Band performing a lil Glory, Glory to Ole Georgia and TOUCHDOWN! . . . nevermind that we aren't exactly hearing much of those words from Scott Howard lately). It also means we can actually go outside and play again following another sweltering south Louisiana summer. So, yes, October is my favorite.
The thing I hear myself saying over and over and over again lately is . . . I don't have time. I didn't have time. I haven't had time. If I had time . . . I mean, really, what exactly do I do with myself all day?!? It seems like if there's something a stay-at-home mom would have, it would be time and plenty of it!
My bestie just hosted the most adorable birthday party for her little girl . . . I mean, the cutest theme complete with decorations and outfits and games and party favors- the works! AND she also has an almost 2 year old. AND she's caught up with scrapbooking for BOTH children. Mason's scrapbook is done through age 2, and Hannah Kate's scrapbook hasn't even been started yet! The only thing I can say about that is that I do have all of the papers and pictures and journaling and stuff. I just haven't been able to find the time to do it. AND this friend WORKS, too! AND she teaches Sunday School AND is involved in her church. In case you're wondering, I sent her an email asking her how in the world she finds TIME to do it all! As soon as I hear from her, I'll let you know! Oh, AND she finds the most amazing deals on the web, too, and I missed out on one of them because I went five days without checking my email because I didn't have TIME!
I've been agonizing over this whole issue of time for about a month now. I wish I had time to get caught up on scrapbooking. I wish I had time to sew and applique and monogram some fall and holiday outfits for Hannah Kate - I already have the fabric! I wish I had time to read more. I wish I had time to play the piano more. So, back to the original question. What exactly do I do with my time anyway? Well, there's tea parties and coloring and finger painting and story time and painting finger nails and toe nails and pitching balls and catching balls and baths and creative play and imaginative play and homework and packing lunch boxes and more of the same all day everyday . . . and laundry and cooking and baking and cleaning and grocery shopping . . . and laughing and talking and just . . . being with my husband and my children! It's really quite simple. That's it. And at the end of the day, I'm pooped! Well, to be honest, I pretty much wake up that way these days. The only way to get up and do it all over again is to GO TO BED. It was in this process of evaluating my time that I realized I absolutely had to have more time for sleep so I can have good times with my family. So kind of early to bed means not much computer time anymore and no crafty time for sure.
And then I realized that . . . right now . . . I wouldn't have it any other way! The most important thing I can do with my time is give it to my husband and my children! They, my children in particular, are my ministry. The days of childhood are only a very short season in my life, and I do not want to look back one day and say, "I wish I would've spent more time . . . sitting down to tea parties and coloring Strawberry Shortcake's dress and pitching the ball . . ." So maybe I haven't figured out how to fit in some of the other things I'd like to get caught up with, but that's okay.
Now, what I failed to mention - take a deep breath! - is that I over committed myself at church. Yes, it's true. Another important lesson experienced! Putting the Lord first in your life DOES NOT mean putting church first in your life! All of those things are very good, ministry oriented, life changing things, but one person can only do so much. It doesn't matter who isn't doing what and what won't get done if I don't do it. That's none of my business. I love my church and I love serving my Lord . . . but right now - for this very brief season - God has called me to serve Him by serving at home! So I'm still playing the piano and teaching 4th-6th grade and leading kids' choir and MediaShout and directing children's ministry . . . WHEW . . . for now. But first things first. And that just might mean GIVING UP something. There. I said it.
Having said all of that . . . I have no idea who reads my blog . . . probably very few besides my mama and a friend or two . . . but maybe you're reading my blog today, and you're struggling with time and family and church and just being down right tired. For this brief season, just be a mommy! Most of the time, that's all that's needed, and that's what God desires anyway. Remember - just for a season - your ministry is at home!
I'd love to tell you all about our very quick trip to Georgia (although an almost 9-hour drive with two small children is anything but a quick trip!) . . .
Meeting baby Jones
Water slide!
Playing with the cousins
Well, Hannah Kate wasn't exactly in a very sociable mood. She refused to play with anyone and everyone. It was all I could do to convince her to get in the picture, much less show her face for the picture! But then . . . she and TJ somehow ended up on the front porch swing together.
A beautiful day for a picnic!

Complete with homemade ice cream (and silly bands)!
Pop and Mimi with all three Grands
A sweet visit with Grandmother
So. I don't even want to tell you how much TIME it took me to write this and upload all the pictures . . . !!!
The month of September is nearly gone . . . without so much as a post or a picture. Now, first of all, I'm actually quite giddy that another month has passed because that means October is here . . . my absolute most favorite month of the year! October just has the most fabulous smells (cinnamon buns and pumpkin spice and mulled cider and apple pie!) and sights (okay, so I don't exactly get to experience first hand the changing of the leaves here in south Louisiana) and sounds (you know, like the Redcoat Marching Band performing a lil Glory, Glory to Ole Georgia and TOUCHDOWN! . . . nevermind that we aren't exactly hearing much of those words from Scott Howard lately). It also means we can actually go outside and play again following another sweltering south Louisiana summer. So, yes, October is my favorite.
The thing I hear myself saying over and over and over again lately is . . . I don't have time. I didn't have time. I haven't had time. If I had time . . . I mean, really, what exactly do I do with myself all day?!? It seems like if there's something a stay-at-home mom would have, it would be time and plenty of it!
My bestie just hosted the most adorable birthday party for her little girl . . . I mean, the cutest theme complete with decorations and outfits and games and party favors- the works! AND she also has an almost 2 year old. AND she's caught up with scrapbooking for BOTH children. Mason's scrapbook is done through age 2, and Hannah Kate's scrapbook hasn't even been started yet! The only thing I can say about that is that I do have all of the papers and pictures and journaling and stuff. I just haven't been able to find the time to do it. AND this friend WORKS, too! AND she teaches Sunday School AND is involved in her church. In case you're wondering, I sent her an email asking her how in the world she finds TIME to do it all! As soon as I hear from her, I'll let you know! Oh, AND she finds the most amazing deals on the web, too, and I missed out on one of them because I went five days without checking my email because I didn't have TIME!
I've been agonizing over this whole issue of time for about a month now. I wish I had time to get caught up on scrapbooking. I wish I had time to sew and applique and monogram some fall and holiday outfits for Hannah Kate - I already have the fabric! I wish I had time to read more. I wish I had time to play the piano more. So, back to the original question. What exactly do I do with my time anyway? Well, there's tea parties and coloring and finger painting and story time and painting finger nails and toe nails and pitching balls and catching balls and baths and creative play and imaginative play and homework and packing lunch boxes and more of the same all day everyday . . . and laundry and cooking and baking and cleaning and grocery shopping . . . and laughing and talking and just . . . being with my husband and my children! It's really quite simple. That's it. And at the end of the day, I'm pooped! Well, to be honest, I pretty much wake up that way these days. The only way to get up and do it all over again is to GO TO BED. It was in this process of evaluating my time that I realized I absolutely had to have more time for sleep so I can have good times with my family. So kind of early to bed means not much computer time anymore and no crafty time for sure.
And then I realized that . . . right now . . . I wouldn't have it any other way! The most important thing I can do with my time is give it to my husband and my children! They, my children in particular, are my ministry. The days of childhood are only a very short season in my life, and I do not want to look back one day and say, "I wish I would've spent more time . . . sitting down to tea parties and coloring Strawberry Shortcake's dress and pitching the ball . . ." So maybe I haven't figured out how to fit in some of the other things I'd like to get caught up with, but that's okay.
Now, what I failed to mention - take a deep breath! - is that I over committed myself at church. Yes, it's true. Another important lesson experienced! Putting the Lord first in your life DOES NOT mean putting church first in your life! All of those things are very good, ministry oriented, life changing things, but one person can only do so much. It doesn't matter who isn't doing what and what won't get done if I don't do it. That's none of my business. I love my church and I love serving my Lord . . . but right now - for this very brief season - God has called me to serve Him by serving at home! So I'm still playing the piano and teaching 4th-6th grade and leading kids' choir and MediaShout and directing children's ministry . . . WHEW . . . for now. But first things first. And that just might mean GIVING UP something. There. I said it.
Having said all of that . . . I have no idea who reads my blog . . . probably very few besides my mama and a friend or two . . . but maybe you're reading my blog today, and you're struggling with time and family and church and just being down right tired. For this brief season, just be a mommy! Most of the time, that's all that's needed, and that's what God desires anyway. Remember - just for a season - your ministry is at home!
I'd love to tell you all about our very quick trip to Georgia (although an almost 9-hour drive with two small children is anything but a quick trip!) . . .
Meeting baby Jones