I will never forget July 13, 2005. I was admitted to the hospital at 3:30AM. I am not a morning person, you know. But I couldn't wait to meet you! Fourteen hours and nineteen minutes later, I finally got to take it all in . . . the baby boy I'd been carrying for nine months! You were absolutely . . . breath-taking! I could not believe you were my child. I was so amazed at the tender, loving, perfect way my Heavenly Father had knit you together in MY womb. MY womb!
You are my first born. My baby. You always will be. But, really, five years old?!? Can't be! Where has the time gone? I remember, although vaguely, the days when it was just you and me, the days before your sister was born. I held you for hours on end. I took you for stroller rides around the mall. We read books together. We took wagon rides and long walks. It seems like only yesterday, yet so far away.
I look at you today . . . and I still can not believe you are mine, the child that God has entrusted to my care for a time. I love you so very much! I know I have failed in so many ways and so many times, but I want to be the best Mama I can possibly be for you. Sometimes when I look at you, I want to take you in my arms and hold you and never let go! Sometimes I wish time would just stop - or at least slow down! - so I could savor just one moment more.
I look forward to everyday with you. We have some really exciting adventures ahead, little man. Of course, I'm not quite ready to let you go yet, but Kindergarten starts in two weeks. You have been looking forward to going to school for a very long time. We've always told you that you can go to school when you're five. So when you woke up on July 13, 2010, our conversation went something like this:
Mason: Today is my birthday. (More of a question than a statement)
Mommy: Mm hmm.
Mason: So I'm five now?
Mommy: Mm hmm.
Mason: So I can go to school now?
Mommy: Well, let's wait until next week to talk about that, especially since we have Vacation Bible School again this morning. (Yes, this was my exact response. Stellar.)
Mason: (After a moment's pause) I want you to take me to school first so I can see what it looks like. I want to see what school looks like.
Alas, my boy, you are so full of wonder and adventure. There are so many times that I look at you, and I wish I knew exactly what is going through your head. You make me laugh so much! You might look like your daddy, but you have my eyes. And my knobby knees!
Happy Birthday to my bright-eyed, blonde-headed, beautiful boy! I love you! ~Mama~