Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
We spent Christmas in Georgia. We arrived the Saturday before Christmas Day and immediately began celebrating. Mason and Hannah Kate were so excited about Mimi's Christmas tree. We didn't have a big one at our house this year since we were home for only two weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas . . . and it just didn't seem like enough time to mess with one. I did, however, put our table top tree out and hang our stockings. Uncle Rob and Aunt Kristi came over, and we exchanged presents with them and Pop and Mimi.

The next morning we went to church with Pop and Mimi. Afterwards, MeMama, Uncle Charles and Aunt Gail came over for lunch . . . and more presents.

The next day we met our new cousins, Tristian (TJ), Jeremiah (JJ) and Emmanuel (Manny). Lamar and Denise are currently foster parents and in the process of adopting these three precious boys. TJ and Mason are the same age, and they had a blast playing together.
On Christmas Eve, we celebrated at Grandmother's house. This is one of my favorite family traditions. There were 37 of us there, including Rylynne, Ashley's baby girl due in March. We ate BBQ, sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus and Santa later showed up to hand out presents.

Christmas morning found Mason and Hannah Kate with even more presents. "Santa" is going to have to cut back next year. But I think that's also what he said last year . . .

This year I received the best Christmas present of all! It was from Mason. He POOPED IN THE POTTY on Christmas Eve! I mean, we have been working on this for a whole year, 365 days, 7 days a week . . . and I'll not tell you what we've been through! So that's how I'll always remember Christmas 2008!