The past couple of weeks I've been trying to be sure I have as much as possible done and ready before Hannah Kate arrives - enough toiletry and paper goods items to last a month or so, stamps for Christmas cards, diapers and wipes, and the list goes on and on and on. Yesterday I took Mason to get a haircut. I told the girl that it would probably be awhile before we would come in again and asked her to really "shape it up." Well, she did what I asked, resulting in the shortest haircut Mason has ever had. It's not a bad haircut. It just makes him look a lot older. I keep looking at him and thinking he just shouldn't be that big already!
Mason is really into firetrucks. Everyday he asks me if he can have a firetruck for Christmas. He is also asking for a choo-choo train. This past weekend he asked for a kitty cat for Christmas. I'm afraid he's going to be sorely disappointed about that one. Yesterday he asked for a 4-wheeler for Christmas. He'll be even more disappointed!
Mason's new thing these days is flying. He keeps telling me he wants to fly! At first I couldn't figure out where in the world this was coming from. I thought perhaps it had something to do with Rocket on Little Einsteins. But the other day I noticed he was flying his Buzz Lightyear figure through the air, and I realized he had recently seen "Toy Story." So I guess that's where it's coming from. Needless to say, I have to keep a close eye on him. The other day I was in Hannah Kate's nursery getting the bedding arranged. I had a bunch of pillows and some quilts on the floor in the corner. When my back was turned, Mason took a dive right onto the pile and then proceeded to slam into the wall chin first. Blood went everywhere. To this day, I have no idea how there isn't a hole in the wall where he hit it.
A few days ago, we were riding home after running some errands. Out of the blue, Mason said, "Mama, I share with Hannah Kate." I was finally able to convince him that we will not get Hannah Kate at Wal-Mart. He used to ask every time we went if we were getting her.
And suckers . . . he loves suckers. A few weeks ago, we sat in the waiting room at my doctor's office for nearly 3 hours. Since Mason was such a good boy, Dr. Crews gave him a sucker. The next time we went, we were on our way out the door, and Mason looked at Dr. Crews and said, "I want sucker." Let's just say Mason doesn't have to ask anymore. He gets a sucker every time we go. I also took him for a flu shot. It didn't phase him in the least. As soon as the nurse stuck him, he sat up, looked at her and said, "Sucker please."
Miss Hannah Kate is still scheduled to arrive on December 4 . . . 1 week and 6 days! Yes, I'm counting! I went to the doctor today, and he told me she is actually breeched. He said at this point she isn't likely to turn. So I guess it's a good thing I have to have a c-section anyway.
Thanksgiving Day is tomorrow . . . it will be just the 3 of us. I started cooking on Monday. I'm doing the whole traditional Thanksgiving feast for us. It's actually kind of nice because I'm freezing half of all my recipes so we'll have some food in the freezer. It will be a different Thanksgiving this year as we are not with either of our families, but different can be good. We have so much to be thankful for regardless.