To answer a couple of questions . . .
No, this was not planned. As a matter of fact, it came as a HUGE SHOCK.
I have been feeling absolutely horrid. I'm not sure who coined the phrase "morning sickness," but they obviously never had it. It's more like "all day all night sickness," or at least it has been for me. I was never the least bit sick when I was pregnant with Mason so this has been an unpleasant experience for sure. I've been sick for seven weeks now, but hopefully that will be waning since I'm approaching my second trimester. I've been on a couple of different medications, but the challenge is finding one that insurance will cover for an extended period of time and doesn't make me sleepy. The most recent one I was prescribed put me to sleep for 24 hours, and I only took one pill! The good thing about it though was that I slept through the night for the first time since we've moved. But, seriously, I can't take it anymore. Seth has been working out of town a lot (in Louisiana - go figure) so Mason has been spending some time with his MawMaw and PawPaw while Mommy tries to get better.