Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
"Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb. And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat on it . . . The angel answered and said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay." . . . So they went out quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to bring His disciples word. And as they went to tell His disciples, behold, JESUS MET THEM, saying, "Rejoice!" So THEY CAME AND HELD HIM BY THE FEET AND WORSHIPED HIM." -Matthew 28:1-2, 5-6, 8-9
Mason went to the pediatrician last week for his 9-month check-up and got a glowing report. He is a very healthy, growing boy. We started weaning him from the pacifier last week. I don't think he's ever been too attached to it anyway. It stays in his crib now, and that is the only time he can have it. He doesn't even seem to miss it. We are also beginning the process of weaning him from the bottle so hopefully that will be done by his 1st birthday. He is also starting to experiment with table food now.
We went to the Easter egg hunt at our church on Saturday. There were 5,000 eggs waiting to be found. Mason's age group "hunted" for their eggs on the playground so they wouldn't get trampled by the bigger kids. I sat him down and put some eggs around him. He didn't seem too interested though. He preferred to pick up the gravel instead of the eggs, but we managed to come home with a few. After the egg hunt, we went to a crawfish boil at Mason's PawPaw and MawMaw's house. Seth let Mason play with one of the crawfish before they were dumped into the pot. I just held my breath and kept my eyes closed.
On Easter Sunday morning, there was a big (literally!) surprise for Mason in the living room - a purple wading pool in the shape of an elephant. His trunk comes up in the center of the pool and sprays water into the air. Inside of the pool were a swing, swimsuit, and sunscreen. We went to church and then to Mason's PawPaw and MawMaw's for lunch. When we got home, Mason posed for some pictures in his new pool. His cousin Abbie gave him a beach towel with his name monogramed on it. Cousins Avery and Beau gave him a book ("Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too?"), stuffed kangaroo, and farm animals dining set. Mason also got two more teeth for Easter! His top two middle teeth finally came in so now he has 6 teeth.

So much for spring . . . we've been "enjoying" temps in the 90s this week. Yesterday we went for our first swim in Mason's new pool. He had a lot of fun splashing in the water and playing with his bath toys. I'm just glad it's big enough for both of us to get in it!
And today Mason waved bye-bye for the first time! I've been teaching him for about a month how to do it. This morning I was telling everyone bye as we were leaving the Threads of Love meeting at church, and Mason started waving. It just seemed to come from nowhere. I didn't ask him to do it or prompt him to do it. He just heard me say the word, "bye." I thought I was seeing things so I asked him to wave bye-bye to Faith, and he did it! I bragged to Seth when he got home from work that Mason waved bye-bye today. I don't think he believed me. He asked Mason to wave bye-bye, and he did it again!

We went to the Easter egg hunt at our church on Saturday. There were 5,000 eggs waiting to be found. Mason's age group "hunted" for their eggs on the playground so they wouldn't get trampled by the bigger kids. I sat him down and put some eggs around him. He didn't seem too interested though. He preferred to pick up the gravel instead of the eggs, but we managed to come home with a few. After the egg hunt, we went to a crawfish boil at Mason's PawPaw and MawMaw's house. Seth let Mason play with one of the crawfish before they were dumped into the pot. I just held my breath and kept my eyes closed.
On Easter Sunday morning, there was a big (literally!) surprise for Mason in the living room - a purple wading pool in the shape of an elephant. His trunk comes up in the center of the pool and sprays water into the air. Inside of the pool were a swing, swimsuit, and sunscreen. We went to church and then to Mason's PawPaw and MawMaw's for lunch. When we got home, Mason posed for some pictures in his new pool. His cousin Abbie gave him a beach towel with his name monogramed on it. Cousins Avery and Beau gave him a book ("Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too?"), stuffed kangaroo, and farm animals dining set. Mason also got two more teeth for Easter! His top two middle teeth finally came in so now he has 6 teeth.

So much for spring . . . we've been "enjoying" temps in the 90s this week. Yesterday we went for our first swim in Mason's new pool. He had a lot of fun splashing in the water and playing with his bath toys. I'm just glad it's big enough for both of us to get in it!
And today Mason waved bye-bye for the first time! I've been teaching him for about a month how to do it. This morning I was telling everyone bye as we were leaving the Threads of Love meeting at church, and Mason started waving. It just seemed to come from nowhere. I didn't ask him to do it or prompt him to do it. He just heard me say the word, "bye." I thought I was seeing things so I asked him to wave bye-bye to Faith, and he did it! I bragged to Seth when he got home from work that Mason waved bye-bye today. I don't think he believed me. He asked Mason to wave bye-bye, and he did it again!