Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...

It's so amazing what can happen in a week's time in Mason's world!
Easter started early for Mason. He received a huge Easter basket filled to the brim with all sorts of goodies from his Pop and Mimi. I think the basket is bigger than he is! It is lined, and his name is embroidered on the lining. He can't wait to show it off at our church's Easter egg hunt next weekend.
Mason is no longer doing the "Army crawl." He can take off on his hands and knees now. But why is it that he always takes off to the places that he is not supposed to go? He always makes a bee-line for the fireplace! I have no idea why . . . it's not very interesting, and, at his vantage point, it's rather ugly. Another favorite place is underneath the side table where I keep the books I'm currently reading. I guess I'm going to have to move those. Now I understand why they have those little shirts and bibs that say, "I think my name is No No!"
Not only is Mason crawling, but he's pulling up, too. He can pull up on the couch without any help from Daddy and Mommy. He doesn't really go anywhere though. He just stands there and "bounces." I think he's still a little unsure about putting one foot in front of the other.
But the best thing of all happened yesterday. Mason has been talking up a storm for the past several months, but he finally said those words every mother longs to hear. I was feeding him dessert after he made a happy plate at lunch, and he looked at me and said, "Ma ma ma ba ba." For those of you who are not versed in the language of Mason-ese, let me translate for you. Mason said, "Mama, I love you so much, and you are the best mommy in the whole wide world!" Yes, that's exactly what I heard him say! I've been waiting to hear "ma ma" for months. I thought I would jump up and down and whoop and holler when I finally heard it. But that's not the way it was at all. It seemed like, for a moment, that time stood absolutely still. And I was in awe at the awesome privilege and responsibility of being entrusted to care for this beautiful boy. My mommy heart smiled.