Last fall we began phase one of Ellie's orthodontia treatment. I had always loved her baby teeth cross-bite smile. But then she started losing those baby teeth, and when her permanent teeth came in, they had no idea where to go or what to do. They were sideways and all kinds of ways. I know from my own personal experience that teeth can be straightened, but it's hard looking in the mirror sometimes, and I know Ellie was very self-conscious once her permanent teeth started coming in.
We knew we'd have to begin orthodontia treatment with her a lot sooner than the usual age. I didn't plan very well, and she ended up getting an appliance in the top and bottom of her mouth the day before the first day of school. It was a lot for a little mouth, and it also altered her speech. So she ended up going to a brand new school on the first day with her speech not only altered but her mouth being covered by a face mask, which made it even more difficult to understand her. She handled it like a champ! The Lord even provided a new friend with the same appliance, and that was a huge encouragement to Ellie.
On January 19, we went back to the orthodontist, and Ellie got braces. I've never seen so much metal in such a little mouth! It looked like a work of art, especially how they had to place the brackets on the bottom teeth. It's been three months now, and there is already a huge difference!
At her last appointment, they added all kinds of fancy springs and things. It's amazing to me how all of this works. I'm not sure how long she'll be in this first set of braces, but I don't think it'll be any longer than a year or so.