Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
We began our Advent celebration with the Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra last Friday night.
The very next night we had the opportunity to attend a Christmas worship experience at my friend's church. She invites us year after year, but it's always the first weekend in December, and we are usually doing something for Hannah Kate's birthday. That's also usually the dress rehearsal weekend for our own church's Christmas program so it's never worked out for us to go. But this year it did, and I'm so glad!
The very next night we had the opportunity to attend a Christmas worship experience at my friend's church. She invites us year after year, but it's always the first weekend in December, and we are usually doing something for Hannah Kate's birthday. That's also usually the dress rehearsal weekend for our own church's Christmas program so it's never worked out for us to go. But this year it did, and I'm so glad!
It was such a beautiful evening! It's a very rare thing indeed that I worship from the audience. I'm always at the piano or leading or "in charge." But not this time! Honestly, if I could, I'd go to every single church Christmas event in the community! But since that isn't possible, I'd say we experienced the best of the best! I love me a good choir, and this one, at nearly 75 voices, was such a treat. Nights like this make me so excited to experience worship in heaven one day! We can't even imagine . . .
And then Sunday after church, I pulled out all the costumes for our Christmas musical and laid them across the pews and on the floor so I could do the kids' costume fittings. I meant to take a pictures of all those costumes spread out, but I just forgot. As I looked back at them from the pulpit, I was reminded that serving the Lord in His church is such a privilege, such an honor. It's such a JOY. The Christmas program is, hands down, one of my favorite things all year. It's a lot of work, yes, but it's not about me at all. So my prayer this year, more so than ever, is that God will be glorified in it.
So. Now let's talk about this.
Eeks! Y'all! My team won the SEC Championship game on Saturday! And we will play in the Rose Bowl in the College Football Playoff! I mean, every year for the past 10 years, it takes about three games into the season before we're saying, "Just wait till next year." And, finally, next year is THIS YEAR.
Now. The SEC Championship game was on Saturday afternoon. Since we weren't here to watch it, we set the DVR to record it. But that's not all. Seth flipped the channel to Louisiana Public Broadcasting so we wouldn't accidentally see the score once we finally got home and turned the television back on. I turned my phone off. Yep. Off. I didn't want any spoiler alerts! We stopped to eat on the way home and made sure we chose a restaurant where there wouldn't be any televisions or game talk. I know. It's a bit much. But it was so worth it! I couldn't stand it. After the kids went to bed, I finally got to watch my game.
And I couldn't believe it! One of my friends texted me, "You were yelling at the TV, weren't you?" Why, yes. Yes, I was. At one point, I even woke Seth up. I did apologize though. I just couldn't help myself.
Look. I know it's small stuff. Real small. But it's been such a fun football season for my team. I don't know how it's all going to turn out. Right now, I'm just enjoying it all.
Gooooo Dawgs! Sic 'em!