Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
Last Saturday was the girls' dance recital. I should, however, say "recitalS." Because, yet again, they were in two different recitals. It makes for such a long day. It really does. We spent nine hours at the theater. But. I do enjoy focusing on only one daughter at a time instead of running between two different dressing rooms for costume changes and dealing with tights and different hair pieces all at the same time.
The theme for the recital this year was Peace Love Dance so each dance represented one of those themes. My girls were so excited for this day! Hannah Kate always looks forward to getting dressed in her costumes and dancing on the big stage. Ellie's motivation this year was gymnastics. I wondered if Saturday might change her mind, but she's still determined to give up her dancing shoes for the balance beam. Actually, the other day she told me she wanted to take dance AND gymnastics AND horseback riding lessons. I have no idea how the horses got into the equation here. I told her she needs her own personal valet and chauffeur!It was a beautiful day for a dance recital.
Hannah Kate danced in the first recital. All of her dances were in the first act. We had a crazy fast costume change because there were only three dances between her ballet and lyrical performances, and we had to change tights AND headpieces AND that ballet costume was no joke this year. It wasn't an easy change, but we did it.
Hannah Kate's jazz performance was her first dance. She and Abbie both got to wear red this year.
Since Hannah Kate was finished dancing in the first act, we actually took a little break and went out to eat. Don't judge. We were hungry, and we still had a long evening ahead. Ellie danced at the beginning of the first act and the end of the second act. It wasn't too bad though because I put her street clothes back on and let her sit in the audience with us the majority of the recital.
Before she took the stage for her first dance, Abbie came in to give her a little pep talk. I really at this point had no idea what to expect. She did okay at rehearsal, but there's no guarantee about anything with this girl. As much as she has loved to dance, she was scared to death when she walked out onto that big stage at last year's recital, and she barely moved. I wasn't expecting that at all. But this year was a different story. Her tap performance was her first dance, and she nailed it. I mean, I thought she was going to shake her hips off!
I have to say, compared to those weeks and weeks and hours and hours of dance class throughout the year, it seems like the recital is over in the blink of an eye! Both of my girls (and my girl Abbie) did an outstanding job in all their dances, and it was such a joy to watch them dance.
Last week was just a crazy busy week. Tuesday night Ellie had recital rehearsal at the theater, and Mason had a double header. Hannah Kate had her history final the next morning so she had to bring her notebook so she could study during rehearsal and the games. At one point I looked over at her and saw this:
She was counting down! (All while practicing a little multiplication in a real life scenario!) I posted this collage a couple of weeks ago of Hannah Kate's studio pictures. I mean, she was barely three years old in that first picture. So little, so sweet. I personally think she favors me in the second picture.
And now, here she is having just completed SIX YEARS of dance instruction! We absolutely adored her ballet costume this year. It was her first time wearing a platter, and that was some serious business, I can tell you. Remember what I said earlier about having less than three dances in which to change out of this costume and into another one?!
I recorded Hannah Kate's dances at her rehearsal with my phone, and I'm linking them below. While it was just the rehearsal, and the actual recital was more polished in regard to lighting and spacing, I thought all the girls did a great job!Jazz - Freeway of Love
Two classes actually danced to this number so Hannah Kate's class is the second one. Hannah Kate is on the front row on the right side when they come out. This is definitely my favorite jazz dance she's done. I thought Miss Courtney did an outstanding job fitting the choreography to the girls in the class.
I was so proud of Hannah Kate for this dance. Ballet is challenging, and Ms. Katherine expects a lot from her students. But her classes are always, hands down, the most disciplined, focused, sharpest dances. Hannah Kate is on the right side in this dance also. You can't really tell from the video, but the rows are stacked. She's on the front row at first, but it will look like she's third from the right.
Hannah Kate has been patiently waiting about three years to take a lyrical class. She. LOVED. it. And this dance shows just that! I cannot pick a favorite dance, but the thing I love about this performance is just how much Hannah Kate loved it! It was all she talked about. This wasn't a big class, and I know it was challenging for Miss Courtney to choreograph, but, again, she did another fantastic job! Hannah Kate is on the left and ends up third from the left once the girls are in a straight line.
And this little ballerina right here! Y'all, I could just eat her up! Is this costume not the sweetest?! Part of me is a little sad the she won't be wearing a tutu next year. I don't even know why. I took dance for two years, and I could not wait to take piano lessons instead. I begged my parents! I just didn't really like dance. I don't know why. I guess because I had my heart set on that piano. So maybe gymnastics is Ellie's piano.
If this in fact turns out to be Ellie's last recital, it was definitely one to go out on! She totally nailed it both times, and she had fun.
Tap - Baby Love
I recorded her rehearsal just like I did Hannah Kate's, but Ellie wasn't thrilled at rehearsal, and she didn't move much. Or, at least, she didn't move like I knew she could. We were sitting on the third row at her recital so we were up close and personal. Seth recorded her dances with his phone so that's what I'm linking here because she did such a great job at the recital.
So, look. At one point, her little friend's hair piece falls out. I couldn't tell if Ellie was giving her the stink eye about it or if she wanted to stop the dance, pick it up and pin it back in her hair. All I know is that I was screaming in my head, "JUST KEEP DANCING! JUST KEEP DANCING!" And, whew! They did! I'm convinced Ellie knew this entire dance by heart.