Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
Well. This was supposed to be last Wednesday. But I just didn't have time to put it together. And since this is such an easy way to catch up on nearly a month of not blogging, I decided to do it today!
First of all, I just have to tell you what I ate my birthday weekend. My birthday weekend really wasn't MY weekend. It was full of dance and church stuff and a baseball tournament. But that Friday night Seth took me out to our favorite restaurant. There was a huge thunderstorm that evening, and the power went out as soon as we got there. We were seated anyway and thought it wouldn't be out for long. But, alas, it was. And because Ruffino's is so awesome, they continued serving their customers anyway. There were only a few menu items not available. Most of their kitchen equipment is powered by gas. We ate by candlelight. So very literally! It was still pretty dark, and I really couldn't see a whole lot of what I was eating. But it didn't matter. It was so. good! I had a stuffed lobster tail, lobster cake and lobster spring rolls.
Saturday night Seth cooked supper for me. We may not have been at Ruffino's that night, but we might as well have been! This dish is most definitely Ruffino's worthy! It was shrimp in a mushroom-prosciutto sauce served over fried eggplant medallions and pasta. So. good! He even used a garnish! (Yes, we're still eating on Christmas china. I have no excuse.)
And then Easter weekend I got a lesson in a south Louisiana favorite. It took two days to prepare this meal. Yes. Two days. That's a whole nother post in and of itself! Crawfish bisque.
So. This week. Well, Monday night we had dance AND baseball. So the kids were treated to the drive through, and I came home and ate leftovers. Last night we had grilled chicken kabobs with bell peppers, mushrooms, onions and pineapple. Tonight we had grilled chicken burgers with Carolina sauce and slaw and homemade sweet potato chips. Tomorrow night is a baseball game so I think we're going to have baked potatoes and a salad. I went to the grocery store today and came home with Brussels sprouts, eggplant, asparagus and purple (yes!) cauliflower. I love looking in my frig right now. I feel a veggie night coming!
The thing most on my mind lately is vacation. I'm ready. I need one! I was hoping to get out of town a few days last week during spring break, but that just didn't happen.
I've been thinking a lot lately about our Disney trip. I want to go back so badly! As a matter of fact, I even googled "how to become a Disney travel agent" the other day thinking I would try to earn some kind of discount on a trip. The last time we went, Ellie was a baby, and she "didn't count." But now we're a family of five, and that counts A LOT at Disney. Hopefully soon we can go back. The sooner the better, honestly! That is, hands down, my favorite family vacation we've taken.
Looking back through all of our pictures, I'd forgotten just how much fun the kids had. You can read about our adventures here: Day 1 (Hollywood Studios), Day 2 (Epcot), Day 3 (Animal Kingdom), Day 4 (Magic Kingdom) and Day 5 (Magic Kingdom).
I've also thought a lot lately about mine and Seth's trip out west last summer. We visited Glacier National Park in northwestern Montana, the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone. I hope he takes me back one day! I'd love to take the kids, too.
Hhhmmm. The first thing that comes to mind right now is our BSF study in the book of Revelation. We had spring break last week, and I was so excited to go back today. We have only four weeks left! I am going to miss it so when we break for summer. I was sad today because I really miss serving as a Children's Leader. I haven't been sad about that in awhile. But today I was. When I shared with a friend, she said it probably had more to do with us being so close to the end of the year. I think she might be right.
We've also had some lovely weather this week! It finally stopped raining. I told Seth tonight that I really want to snag some patio furniture for our back porch so I can enjoy it more before the summer heat sets in.

I managed to do some more painting last week, too. The playroom side of our little renovation project is now finished (except for one last little electrical thing that Seth is responsible for). It could probably use another coat of paint on the walls, but I just can't even. I still have to paint Ellie's door and a wall of trim in her room.
Baseball will officially be in full swing tomorrow. So we'll be spending a lot of time during the next couple of months at the ballpark. I'm trying to get excited about that.
We're also finishing up our very first homeschool year. My goal is just to finish well and finish with excellence. We have one month left.
Well. I'm having a yard sale this weekend. My sweet friend actually agreed to host it. She lives in a more populated area than I do so hopefully we'll have a good turn out. I've never done this before, as it is totally not my thing. I will just be so glad when it's over. I'm excited to hopefully be getting rid of toys, bedding, furniture, that stupid pre-lit Christmas tree that is now 1/3 unlit, dishes, picture frames, pictures and other miscellaneous items. I really do not want to bring any of it back home. So whatever is left at the end of the day will hit the jackpot. They can just take. it. all. I would really just like to blink my eyes and it all be over with.
I think I've already mentioned that. Yard sale . . . Ellie's room . . . homeschool. But what I'm hoping to begin working on after those projects are completed is my garden!
Getting rid of stuff at my yard sale . . .
The end of our first homeschool year . . .
Lazy spring nights on my back porch . . .
The beach (That's not til June, but I'm still excited about it.) . . .
I'm currently not watching anything. I just don't know how people have time for that. I haven't watched a series of anything on television in several years (except DVDs of Downton Abbey, and I'm still two seasons behind!). I'm currently reading Tom Sawyer (again) only because it's Mason's required reading this month. We read it last summer. And it was great. But I really didn't plan on reading it again. Sigh. I have Kate Morton's The Lake House sitting on my night stand, but I just keep staring at it. It's like I'm saving it for something. I'm not sure what. I really want to be reading it. So I don't know why I'm not. It's probably because it's the last of her books I haven't read, and I'll be sad when it's over. But I think I've decided to go to the library on Friday to see if they have O'Reilly's Killing Lincoln or Killing Kennedy. I know. That is so random. But I really want to read those books! Hannah Kate and I just finished up studying a unit on President Lincoln and the Civil War. So I guess I'm in a history state of mind. There are also a few memoirs I'm interested in reading. I love reading people's stories!
Right now, nothing (unless you consider the hum of my dishwasher). And the silence is pure golden!
I told you last time we were skipping that from now on!
Yard sale. The end. What I would LIKE to be doing this weekend is fishing. Yes. Fishing. That's just an excuse to be out on the water. It's been a long time. And it's time.
So technically this is an April question. April will be defined by dance lessons in preparation for the recital and baseball. I love that my children are having fun. And that's the part of it I look forward to.
I really think that's about it.