Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
After all of the excitement and busy-ness of July, I was looking forward to a quiet August at home. We've been home, but it hasn't exactly been very quiet. Here's a look at what (or rather WHO) has been keeping us busy.
We took a trip to the zoo with our playgroup. Okay, so we actually went in July, but I forgot to post the pictures! Mason loves going to the zoo. I think we're going to have to get a season pass.

Seth likes to do things rather extravagantly, hense the reason I don't send him to the grocery store anymore. He can't just "stick to the list." One night he decided to give Mason a bath in our garden tub. He added way too much bubble bath and then turned on the jets. Afterwards, he wanted to know how to get rid of all the bubbles. I told him he was on his own.
This, on the other hand, is Hannah Kate's bubble bath. I guess it rather pales in comparison.
Seth's newest toy is the Orion Cooker. It's an outdoor convection cooker that cooks big hunks of meat quickly. His first masterpiece was a Boston butt. We ended up eating BBQ sandwiches and pulled pork for three days. And I should also mention that we had to buy THREE different "gourmet" BBQ sauces at the grocery store to accompany the meat. The KC Masterpiece in the frig just wasn't good enough. Have I mentioned my husband is a bit extravagant?!?

Mason was the proud recipient of a two-wheeled bike with training wheels from his cousin Beau. We love hand-me-downs! He's doing a great job of learning how to ride it. The other day he was riding and went off the driveway into the grass. He hit a low spot and turned too sharply so he fell over to the side. I later heard him tell his MawMaw on the phone, "Yeah, I bucked off in the grass." BUCKED OFF . . . that's my cowboy!
We all have a bad hair day every once in a while!
But I must say the most excitement comes from our little Hannah Kate. She's CRAWLING! Yep, just like that. It seems like it happened overnight. At first she would just scoot backwards. This lasted for about two weeks. Then she finally figured out how to get up on her knees and lift her tummy off the ground. It was slow going, and she creeped around for about a week.

Well, now there's no stopping her! That girl can go, and she can go fast. Her two favorite places are Mason's room and underneath the end table.

And, if that isn't enough, she's PULLING UP! Yes! That just happened all of a sudden out of the blue. I came around the corner one day, and she was standing up in front of the fireplace. She was so proud of herself. The only thing is that she also likes to let go, but she forgets she can't stand on her own yet so we've had several tumbles this week.

We are leaving on Monday for a trip to Georgia and then we have to make a quick trip to Louisiana after that so we'll be traveling a lot the next week or so. Who knows . . . by the time I'm able to post again, Hannah Kate may be walking! I hope not . . . !!!
We took a trip to the zoo with our playgroup. Okay, so we actually went in July, but I forgot to post the pictures! Mason loves going to the zoo. I think we're going to have to get a season pass.
