Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...

POTTY TRAINING UPDATE: So I haven't blogged about potty training in awhile. That's because there is no update! We haven't made any progress during the past 5 weeks of potty training. As a matter of fact, I can say with all certainty that we've even gone backwards and aren't doing as well as we were when this whole process began. And that's what it is . . . a process . . . a very L O N G process. Let's just say our enthusiasm in potty training has waned more than a little.
We went to Louisiana for Mother's Day weekend. As we were getting ready to leave, Mason got really upset because he wanted to stay at MawMaw and PawPaw's house. So I explained to him that I thought it best if he go home with Mommy and Daddy and then he could spend some time at MawMaw and PawPaw's house after he learned to poop in the potty. MawMaw even promised him she'd come get him once he called her to tell her that he had pooped in the potty. He finally stopped crying and fell asleep on the way home. Later Seth told me that I was going to regret my promise when we got all the way back up here only for me to have to turn around that night or the next morning to go back to Louisiana to keep my promise. I told him I had no intention of having to make good on that promise anytime soon. Seth was so sure that a week at MawMaw's would spur Mason on to potty success. Well, let's just say that Mama was right this time!