Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...

A couple of weeks ago I was in the kitchen fixing lunch. Hannah Kate was fussing. Mason retreated to his room for a little peace and quiet. I got a little worried because he was in there for quite awhile, and I hadn't heard a peep from him. Nothing good ever comes out of such a situation. So I went to his room and peeked around the door. He had rolled his big dump truck into his closet and was "reading" a book. I was able to grab my camera and snap a picture before he realized I was standing there. Yes, he's reading a Charlie Brown Christmas book. In April. He's also wearing long sleeves in April. It was pretty chilly that day.

Mason absolutely loves his sister. He tends to hover over her sometimes though and can be quite overprotective. He got upset one Sunday morning because Hannah Kate had to go in her class during church and couldn't come to his class so he could keep his eye on her. He loves to play with her and entertain her. I must say the feeling is mutual. Hannah Kate loves her big brother, too. She smiles and giggles at him and enjoys his undivided attention.

A couple of days ago, I was fixing supper. Hannah Kate was in her bouncey seat, which I had put on the kitchen floor. Mason came in with his blanket and his Bible. At first I really wasn't paying attention. But then I started listening, and I realized he was reading a Bible story to Hannah Kate. He was telling her all about David and Goliath, and he was getting it right! I managed to grab my video camera and capture several seconds before he caught on to me, and then he got distracted and stopped.

Several days ago, I was wearing a t-shirt from a walk/run I participated in several years ago to raise money for Alzheimer's Services in Baton Rouge. On the front of the t-shirt is a replica of the Louisiana state capital building. In case you've never had the privilege of visiting the Red Stick, it is the tallest capital building in the United States and rises over the city of Baton Rouge. Anyway, later that morning Mason paused and looked at my shirt. He said, "Babel on your shirt, Mommy." At first I had no idea what he was talking about. He looked at me and said, "Mommy, tower of Babel." And then I knew exactly what he was talking about. Another Bible story that he is fascinated with is the tower of Babel, and that's what he saw when he looked at my shirt. Smart boy! Sometimes it seems like it just isn't sinking in, no matter how many times we read the stories and talk about different things. It seems like he really isn't paying any attention at all. But he is! Those are the proud moments for me.

This morning we were playing outside. I was using that time to write in my journal. I looked up to see Mason climbing one of the crepe myrtle trees in our front yard. I've never seen anyone climbing a crepe myrtle before! I ran in to grab my camera (that happens a lot these days). Mason looked at me and said, "I'm looking for a birdie, Mama."

Just one more picture to share with you for now . . . when I first saw this picture, it just cracked me up. Mason and Hannah Kate just were not in the mood to have their picture made, but I couldn't help myself, especially since Hannah Kate had on one of her cute girl outfits and a favorite of mine. But can you believe how much they look alike in this picture?!? I mean, they even have the same facial expression. Lately I've been trying to convince myself that Hannah Kate looks just A LITTLE bit like me. But after seeing this picture, I can't help but admit how much they favor their daddy, even Hannah Kate. Aren't they so stinkin' cute?!?