Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...

Mason loves tractors, cowboys and horses these days. I feel a birthday party theme coming on . . .
Our big adventure lately has been potty training. A couple of weeks ago, Mason noticed his pull ups when I was changing his diaper and asked if he could wear one. We haven't talked potty talk in months. So I explained to him that he could wear big boy underwear only if he was going to be a big boy, and he agreed. He had a near-perfect day. I was very encouraged. That was on a Friday. The next day was a disaster all the way around, and Sunday wasn't any better. So we tried again on Monday to no avail. On Tuesday, I was changing yet another wet pull up while giving him the "big boys use the potty ~ if you're going to wear your Lightenin' McQueen pull ups you have to tee-tee in the potty and not in your pants ~ you know how to use the potty so I don't understand why you keep going in your pull up" speech, and he looked at me and said, "Just don't worry 'bout it Mama." And then he got up and promptly walked out of his room, leaving me sitting there with my mouth gaping open. So that was it for me. The pull ups went away, and the diapers came back (yes, I've already had people tell me that wasn't a good idea!).
So today I realized that we had only 4 diapers left, and I really hadn't planned on buying another box of diapers for him once these are gone. So I thought we'd try again. And he had a perfect day (except for pooping). He even woke up from his nap with a dry pull up, which has NEVER happened before. I'm seriously not buying anymore diapers for him so I guess the next couple of weeks are going to be rather potty intensive. Besides, what else do I have to do all day besides direct Mason to sit on the potty every 30 minutes?!? Oh yeah, Hannah Kate . . .
