The day she's waited on for what seems like forever.
15 years old.
In our house, that's the day you get your very first smart phone. It doesn't matter that you are now old enough for driver's ed and will begin driving. She hasn't looked forward to getting her license. She's only looked forward to getting a phone. Because, you know, she's the ONLY 9th grader (8th grader, 7th grader, 14 year old, 13 year old and on and on and on . . . you get the point) who doesn't have a phone. Last year on her birthday she created a beautiful power point presentation outlining why she should be allowed to have a phone that she emailed to me. It was very organized, very well written. I even saved it. But she didn't get her phone until this year's birthday. She doesn't have social media. She can essentially talk, text and FaceTime, and that's pretty much it. But that's all she wanted to do anyway. Her friends were setting up google meets everyday to talk to her after school. That makes me giggle, and I'm sure she'll look back on that one day and smile. But those days are over now.
It's not like she didn't know what she was getting for her birthday. It's not like she was going to be too terribly surprised. Because let's be honest. She knew exactly what she was getting. But watching her open her phone, you never would've guessed it wasn't a surprise. She was positively giddy. And, yes, we even popped confetti over her as she opened it.