I've been waiting all school year to tell this story. Honestly, more than anything, I was waiting to find out what the end of this story was...
If you've been here awhile, you'll recognize this as the same post different year. It's also been well established that my family is one of traditions (yes, the place cards at the dining room tables are needed for every family gathering even though everyone always sits in the exact same spot time after time and year after year), and I hold tightly to traditions for my own. So every summer there is a short list of must-haves for our annual Georgia trip. We try to stay a couple of weeks because it's so hard to fit everything and everyone in to such a short time, but this year we could only stay a week. We left the very next day after Ellie returned home from camp and got there just in time to celebrate the 4th with my family.
The 4th of July was always Pa's favorite holiday. He never said as much, but it had to be. He loved making homemade ice cream and lining the bottles up in the middle of the road for the bottle rockets he'd shoot while we all sat on the front porch and watched. He was even known to jump into the swimming pool with us with his clothes on. Our family is a little (or a lot) bigger now, we've traded the pool for the pond and the fireworks are a LOT bigger, but much of the tradition is still the same. This is most definitely my favorite gathering of the year with my family, and my kids feel the same way. They talk about this day all year long and can't wait to see all of their cousins again.
This year we got a pic of all of us. One of my uncles and two of my cousins and their families are missing.
One of my aunts calls us the OG. There are eight of us grands on the Connell side. We missed Adam and Brian this year.
I didn't have sisters, but I have these girls, and they were always the closest thing to sisters I could've had. (One of the things I love about this pic is the kids behind us. They played whatever kind of made-up game this was for hours that evening.)
And here are the great-grands. Again, this isn't all of them. The oldest is 20 years old and about to finish his associate's degree while also moving up the chain with his employer. The youngest is a year and a half. And all of them are pretty awesome!
I took zero pictures this year. Not even one. But here are a few I borrowed.