I've been waiting all school year to tell this story. Honestly, more than anything, I was waiting to find out what the end of this story was...
Usually January and February seem the slowest months of the year to me. But I really do find it hard to believe we're already halfway thru February! Our days continue to be more of the same. Schooling, carpooling, dance, acro, BSF and repeat. And that's just fine with me!
Seth and I haven't done a good job of spending time just the two of us since . . . well, since the kids were born. It's just hard and nearly impossible. And since they've been old enough for extra-curricular activities after school, we don't see a whole lot of one another in the evenings either. Not to mention Seth's job is pretty demanding and requires he come home and work most nights, too. It's just a season, but it's also extra challenging for those of us whose love language is quality time. (That would be me). As best we can, we've tried to be more intentional lately in spending time together.
It's not good fishing season right now, but Seth is anxious for it to be and has been working to get the boat ready and brush up on his fishing skills. We took the boat for a ride a couple of Saturday mornings ago. Seth did a little fishing. He was hoping for five, but he had to settle for one. And that one was the perfect size for the two of us for lunch so he brought it home, cleaned it and we ate it. I did a little fishing, too. Until the bolts on my seat broke, and I tumbled backwards. Thankfully I crashed into the motor, otherwise I'd have gone into the water. After that I settled in and finished reading a book.
After two weeks of going back and forth with the state and trying to move forward with Mason's driving hours, I figured out they had given me the wrong email address for sending the paperwork. There are A LOT of things I could say about that, but I think that pretty much says it all. Last week we finally received his certification from the exam he took last September and were able to move ahead with driving. I found another driving school that has been so gracious and accommodating and immediately scheduled the eight hours Mason needs. So this past Tuesday he completed his first two hours of driving. I had BSF so Seth managed that. I wasn't as nervous as I thought I'd be considering he drove for not only the first time ever (besides the four-wheeler) but also in Baton Rouge. The driving instructor told Seth he did good. I asked Mason what he thought about it, and he said he was nervous at first but felt better after he started driving. He also said no one honked at him so he thinks that meant he did pretty good. Goals.He was supposed to have his second session on Thursday, but we had to postpone that because the weather was really bad. This upcoming week is Mardi Gras break, and I was so excited that he had scheduled times on Monday and Tuesday, and we would be done with it. After Thursday's appointment was canceled, we rescheduled for a second time on Monday. So we would still be done on Tuesday. But now it looks like a little ice event is heading our way on Monday so I'm sure he won't be driving then either. I'm just so very ready to be done with it all, but a little longer won't hurt anything. Hopefully soon.
One afternoon when I was doing the carpool run for Mason, the girls rearranged the furniture in Hannah Kate's room. They didn't tell me, and I was shocked when I went in there for the first time and saw it. It's fine. It really is. I like it. Her furniture has been in the exact same place the almost 11 years we've been here (except for that one year she and Mason swapped rooms) so it was just strange seeing it any other way. But she did good. We recently added a desk to her room so she'll have a space to do her drawing and painting. She'd been sitting on the floor in her closet for that. We're just waiting on the chair to arrive so she can actually sit at the desk.
It's currently freezing outside, and ice is supposedly on the way (and I'm not complaining because I personally LOVE the cold weather), but I'm already looking forward to planting my garden. Seth built me two new raised bed boxes last weekend to replace the two that rotted so I'm excited to have those this year.
Two of my friends published books this past week. And my cousin's daughter won not only the writing contest at her school but also the district contest. I am so proud of all of them. Maybe one day I'll be published, too.